Five Nights At Freddy's Part 5

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! So, I am back! Thank you all for waiting. Here is the  FNAF imagine chapter! I really don't think I could make another one, so I'm ending it here! Enjoy lovelies! I made this one extra long!)

You came back to the building early, a skip in your step. You never forgot about the kiss you and Mark shared in that office room. Sure, it was quick and sweet, but damn sweet it was. Soon after, you both bolted for the exit door to escape the horrors inside. Tomorrow was the last day you had to work there. It was Mark's too, and you only hoped you two would stay together after leaving the place.
You took a deep breath, walking inside. You were familiar with the silence in this place as you walked down the hallway. It was so unsettling to think that once the sun went down, the horror started to play. You rubbed your arms as you made it into the office, buttoning your uniform.
You checked the cameras for a short moment, making sure everything was working before organizing the mess of papers scattered on the table. You searched through them, finding an article that spiked your interest. You held it firmly in your hand, reading it over.
"The Bite of '87 was an incident that occurred in 1987 at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The details of this attack (and the identity of the animatronic responsible) were not given, but it allegedly caused the loss of the frontal lobe of the victim's brain.
The incident contributed to a loss in the restaurant's reputation, which resulted in a major drop in business. As a result of the incident, the animatronics were no longer allowed to wander around the building during the day; the management decided to limit their free-roaming mode to nighttime, so as to "prevent their servos from locking up,", as a Security Night Guard had stated to us.
We have theories that one of the Animatronics were shorting out and having technical difficulties at the time of the incident. Parents reported one of the robots, Foxy to be exact, to be the culprit of the child's murder. It was said that the child leaned up to play with Foxy, when the robot opened its mouth and crushed the child's head.
We have no further leads as to who or what controlled the Animatronic to do such a tragic thing. We have suggestions that the Managers or Guards might have something to do with it. We are sorrowful for the poor child, and the others, that witnessed the gory ending."
Chills ran down your spine as you threw the paper in the trash. You shook your head, images of little children getting crushed to death by Foxy's powerful jaws lingered in your mind. You bit your lip, tearing up a little at the sadness you felt in your heart. You wiped away the tears and continued cleaning off the table.
You peeked over at the indentions on the wall from last night. Your ankle pricked with soreness as you remembered Foxy's claws digging into your skin. Suddenly, you felt hands cover your eyes. You soon smelled cinnamon and smiled a little. You heard his chuckle as he pulled you close.
"Guess who?" He whispered, letting his hands off your face. You turned around and rolled your eyes at him, giggling. He pecked your cheek and ventured over to the cameras. You and Mark talked for a long time last night on the phone about some important things.
You two realized how much you had in common, and how much you two meant to each other. You were going to both finish this together. You sighed and gathered the two masks before setting them next to Mark. One more night, one more night, you thought with relief. You knew you couldn't be content for long, you still had to make sure you and Mark made it out alive. The phone started to ring shrilly, you two sitting down to listen to the voicemail.
"Hello, hello? Hey! Hey, wow, day 4. I knew you could do it.
Uh, hey, listen, I may not be around to send you a message tomorrow. *banging* It's-It's been a bad night here for me. Um, I-I'm kinda glad that I recorded my messages for you *clears throat* uh, when I did.
   Uh, hey, do me a favor. *banging* Maybe sometime, uh, you could check inside those suits in the back room? *banging* I'm gonna to try to hold out until someone checks. Maybe it won't be so bad. *bang bang* Uh, I-I-I-I always wondered what was in all those empty heads back there. *chime plays*.
    You know..*deep moan*..oh, NO!"
    The rest of the message was filled with static and screeching noises. Your blood ran cold as you looked at Mark. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the phone. The line went dead and silence filled the room. You looked outside, shivering at the pitch blackness.
   "I don't think I can do this anymore." You whispered, shivering. Mark hugged you tightly, kissing your forehead. He talked to you for a few moments until you were able to calm down again. You tugged on your cap, taking a deep breath. The night had begun, and you had to survive until 6:00 A.M. You heard familiar scratching and screeching from down the hall as you checked the cameras.
   "Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy are all still on the stage. Foxy isn't in his cave anymore and he's roaming the hallway to your right." Mark nodded, closing the door to his left and turning the light on. Sure enough, Foxy's large face was pressed against the glass. Few cracks were still there from last night's accident. His black eyes stared into yours knowingly.
   "Oh my god.." You whispered as you saw blood leaking from his eyes. His mouth was stained bright red and flesh dangled from his metal teeth. Mark gasped, his flashlight trembling in his hands. Foxy's gears whirred and glitched as his head ticked every few seconds. The dried blood was crusted on his body, his hook tapping lightly against the window.
   "Oh fuck me." Mark shouted, glaring at Foxy. Foxy roared, his teeth glistening in the light. You heard Chica screaming in the distance, and the loud thumping of their heavy footsteps. Your skin rippled with goosebumps as Mark ran to the open door. Mark went to push the button when a cold, metal hand clamped down on his wrist.
   "CHICA!" You screamed, seeing her bright yellow face inches from his. Her cold metal skin bit into his as she started to drag him away. He thrashed around, causing her to screech in his face. He stopped and let her tug him out the door and into the darkness. You ran to the table, seeing Mark's mystery duffel bag. You ripped it open, hoping to find something. You were rewarded with..a small pistol.
   "(Y/N)! NO, SHIT!" You sprinted towards Mark, Foxy bashing wildly against the window. You heard more thumps and noises, your mind far away. You watched Chica roar and growl at you as you ventured closer to her. You held the gun in your hand firmly, pointing it at Chica. She screeched at you, clawing her hands in the air towards you. Mark was thrown around by her strength, his groans slipping past his lips.
   "LET GO OF HIM..NOW!" You shouted, glowering at the chicken. Foxy went ballistic, bashing his head against the glass forcefully. You jumped, looking back at the new two members joined at the window. They started helping Foxy, their metal fists breaking the glass.
   "YOU HAD YOUR WARNING!" You screamed, squeezing the trigger. The gunshot went off, driving into Chica's eye. She screeched in shock, dropping Mark on the ground. She stumbled back, sparks flying from her eye. Bolts and bits of metal flew in all different directions. She shook her head, opening her mouth wide to let out a roar. Soon, you heard the glass break behind you.
   Mark crawled over to you, standing up and gripping your hand. He pulled you down the hallway at the other lunged into the office. Chica was occupied with her loss of an eye as you two sprinted into the party room. You bumped into chairs, sending them toppling to the floor. You two ran onto the stage, being blinded by the stage lights.
    "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! I'M DONE!" Mark shouted, gripping your hand tightly. You nodded, tears running down your face. You and Mark were done, you weren't coming back tomorrow. You weren't coming back for the fifth night. Foxy lumbered in the room, his hook knocking over a table. Mark screamed and ran for the wall, trying to find a way out. He screeched at you, making your ears ring.
   "LEAVE US ALONE!" You shouted, crying. Bonnie walked in, his jaw missing now, wires and gears ripped and warped from the inside. His eyes flashed red as he roared in anger. Foxy's head twitched as he twirled his hook around. He was hungry, hungry for blood. He was hungry for you.
   "I FOUND A WINDOW! LET'S GO!" Mark shouted, pulling you from behind. He clenched his fist and drove it into the window. He groaned as it only caused spiderweb cracks along the glass. The stage rumbled as Chica and Foxy clambered onto the stage. They stared at you with their lifeless eyes.
They were all torn apart. Bonnie's mechanic jaw was missing, wires dangling and sparking here and there. His metal skin was ripped off in places, completely gone in others. Chica's beak was ripped off, showing a mess of tangled wires and plates. Your heart was pounding in your throat as Mark tugged on you to move.
Mark turned around and punched the glass with the last burst of energy he had. The glass broke in slivers, scattering on the floor below. You winced as it cut into some of your skin, including Mark's. He rushed to you, picking you up and hoisting you into the window.
"GO! MOVE! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM US!" Mark shouted, grabbing the pistol from your hands. The gun went off several times, bouncing off their external skin and hitting the wooden floor below. You gasped for air, gripping the window sill tightly. He gave one good push, sending you outside of the building.
The cold, night, air hit you, and you gulped for fresh air. You scrambled back to the window, seeing Mark reach up for you. You gripped his hand, pulling him up. You groaned and strained your muscles to pull him up. Suddenly, he was tugged back. You both screamed as you saw Freddy grip his shoe. His metal fingers gripped the shoe tightly, growling. You tugged harder, feeling your muscles tremble and ache for release.
"YOU ARE NOT DYING HERE. NOT BY THESE ASSHOLES! GET UP HERE NOW!" You screamed, using your strength to pull him higher. He started kicking his foot, managing to get Freddy in the face a few times. You cried out, seeing him struggle to squeeze through the small window. He groaned, clenching his teeth and wriggling his body.
Finally, after one hard tug, his slipped through the window and onto the glass. Freddy grabbed through the window at you two, causing Mark to scoot backwards. Roars of anger and sorrow filtered out from the broken window. It went silent, thumps could be heard all over the place.
" that's what you were hiding in your bag." You heaved, pointing at the pistol on the ground. Mark wheezed for air and nodded, laying on the grass. You caught your breath, shaking your head and shaking violently. You helped each other up, examining the bruises, cuts, and injuries scattered on your body. You could just barely see their red eyes in the darkness through the window. You could just faintly hear the music playing as the clock turned 6:00 A.M.
"We..We made it. We actually made it." Mark said, shooting his fist in the air. He hugged you tightly, pulling you in for a long kiss. You blushed, hugging him back. He smiled, pulling you towards his car. You called 911, and waited for the police to arrive. He held you close, both of you catching your breath and trying to shake the fear off.
"That poor Phone Guy.."
"He had it coming to him though..but yeah."
You looked over, seeing Bonnie and Chica pressed against the front door. Your heart stopped for a moment as they pressed their hands against the glass. Bonnie pointed at you, his eyes flashing. You shivered and pulled Mark in his car. He looked at you with confusion until he looked over at the entrance.
"Why are you in such a hu-OH OKAY YEAH LET'S GO!"

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