Unexpected Turn Part 2

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    Mark will never forget the chilling phone call he had to answer that night. He was happily playing his game, awaiting the arrival of your presence and food. He jumped slightly as the house phone went off. Thinking it was you, he set down his controller and jogged over to the phone.

    He grabbed it quickly, pressing the button and pulling it to his ear. He soon realized it wasn't you, but something terrible. He could hear the sirens in the background, and the occasional shouts and screams of people. His stomach churned and he soon felt sick.
        "Mark Edward Fishbach? Is he there, I need to speak to him immediately." A gruff voice answered into the phone, making Mark's eyes grow wide. His hand started shaking, and he had to force the phone not to fall from his grip. He gulped hard, running a hand messily through his red hair.

    "Speaking. W-What's happening?" He asked weakly, his voice quiet and scared. The man on the other end was silent for a few minutes, making every second worse for Mark. He listened closely, hearing orders being shouted and footsteps running over pavement. He chewed on his nails. sweat started to spot on his forehead.

    "Hello, sir. I am Sargent Orwell. I'm sorry to inform you, but (Y/N) has been in a very serious accident. She's..being rushed to the hospital..but sir..her heart stopped before we got to her. She was hit straight on by an intoxicated driver, at 65 miles per hour. She is in critical condition, it is very serious. I will escort you to the hospital, please get in your vehicle, and follow me when you see me come by. I will try to get you there as fast as possible. Again, I am deeply sorry for this." Mark didn't say another word and just let the policeman hang up on his own. The phone squawked out the dial tone until Mark let it slip through his fingers. It clattered to the ground, as he took on out the front door. He jumped in his car and it roared to life. He tried his best to wipe the tears clear, but they soaked his face.

    His heart was pounding and he let out choked sobs that ripped from deep within his chest. He hastily wiped at his eyes as he saw the red and blue flashes nearing closer to his house. He followed the police officer down the road, willing he could just go faster. The lights flashed in his eyes, the outside world blurred around him. His mind thought of you, and a picture of you lifeless and crumbled on the concrete occurred in his mind. He flinched at the thought, and gripped the steering wheel tighter. He gritted his teeth, letting the salty tears slip down his cheeks. Taking deep breaths, he tried to stay calm as he neared the hospital. He parked quickly, jumping out and running towards the two doors. He slammed into them, pushing them open and standing in the middle of the floor.

    "WHERE IS SHE!? WHERE IS MY BABY!?" Mark shouted desperately, tears blinding his vision. People looked at him in shock as he frantically looked around for you. A nurse bustled to him and explained the situation. Mark stifled his crying and listened to the woman.

    "(Y/N) is in very critical condition. The impact from the vehicle damaged her insides greatly. There are some internal bleeding, and we are still trying to get her heart to start. She had several broken bones and she may be paralyzed from the waist down. This is all we know for sure, there is still plenty to be done. I can't say not to worry sir, but please know we are trying our best. I will give you hourly updates. I am sorry." She jogged back through the hallway before he could even question her anymore. He rubbed his face, slumping down into the uncomfortable, plastic, chairs. His eyes were stinging from rubbing them too much, puffy and red. He didn't bother wiping his face, he couldn't seem to stop himself from crying.

    They said her heart stopped, they said she's not alive anymore...what if she dies? What if I can't see her ever again?, He thought with fear. The thoughts caused his heart to explode into pain and he broke down into more sobs. They caused the looks of other people, but they knew better than to disturb the crying man. After hours and hours of waiting in that damn chair, a doctor came walking out. Mark's eyes drooped tiredly, and his head was rested in his hand. When he caught sight of the doctor, he sprang up on his feet. His head pounded from all the crying, but he instantly felt wide awake. The doctor smiled softly at him as they shook hands and introduced themselves.

    "Hello there. My name is Dr. Hall. I am the one who's been operating on your girlfriend, I assume is, and she is one lucky girl. There is still more surgeries for her to do, but I have her as stable as I can. That accident left her completely broken. She is going to have some long term problems, especially with her legs. It seems as though when she was hit, her spinal cord was torn in her lower back. With some very long and complex surgery, I was able to fix it as much as possible. This does mean a lot of pain she is going to endure during her long months of therapy. She had broken five ribs, both of her legs, and her left arm. She is very bruised at the moment also, and her skin has some lacerations from the truck and the concrete when the impact happened."

    Mark didn't want to believe his words, he wanted this all to be a dream. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare, and find you wrapped in his arms, snuggled underneath the covers. He quickly accepted the fact that this wasn't a dream, and his nightmare was real. He sighed and shook his head, tears filling his eyes once again. He looked out the window, seeing the sun sunk down below the trees and the stars and moon were at. The doctor gave him a sympathetic look and lead him down the hall. Mark wrung his hands together nervously. sniffling a little as the doctor opened her room door. He walked in quickly, gasping quietly at her.

    "She is going to look a little different until the swelling goes back down. That is going to take a few weeks at least. I will leave you to alone for a little bit, before we have to take her in for surgery again." Mark nodded solemnly, making his way next to you. The blankets only covered your thighs, showing the many bandages wrapped around your waist, arms, and hands. Black and purple bruises covered nearly every inch of your skin, your face scattered with scrapes and cuts. Tears dripped down Mark's face, some ending up on his lips. He tasted the salty sadness and wiped his face clean again. He took one of your hands gingerly, only feeling the rough bandages. There was a wrap around your head, your eyes closed. He willed with all of his might for you to open them, but you remained still. Your chest rose and fell slowly, the beeping machines around you keeping track of your body. He laid your hand down and sat in a chair next to you, examining your face. He jumped when he heard his phone buzzing.

"Skype Call from Booper Dooper."

    The phone said in its monotone voice. Mark sighed and looked down at the name. This was one of the worst moments he could possible be calling, but he did need a friend right now. He pressed the accept button, Jack's face popping up into view. Jack's smiling face waved at Mark, before his grin quickly vanished. His eyes widened at the tearful image of Mark before him. Jack saw his red hair tousled and messy, his eyes red and puffy, and his hands shaking while he held the phone. Jack's heart pounded as he worried for his American friend.

    "Mark!? What the hell happened to ya!? What happened, is everything okay?" Jack asked quickly, watching Mark's lower lip quiver. He sniffled and shook his head, looking at something behind his phone. He looked back down at Jack, his eyes shiny and dripping with tears. Jack felt his heart hurting at the sight of his crying friend. Jack held his own phone tightly, waiting for an answer. Finally, Mark started to turn the phone around. Jack noticed Mark wasn't in his own house. When Mark held the camera still, Jack was able to see what had happened. Mark heard his loud gasp from Jack as he looked over you. Jack covered his mouth with his hand, shaking his head. He pushed his green fringe away from his hair as tears filled his own blue eyes. This can't be true, Jack thought with an aching sadness. Mark turned the phone back to his own tear soaked face.

    "She got hit by a truck..her heart stopped beating Jack..she wasn't alive a few minutes ago. They say..they say s-she might be paralyzed...that she might not even m-make it. What am I going to do without her!? I...I..." Jack watched Mark choke on his sobs as he covered his eyes with one hand.

    "Hey, hey. You can't think like that. You have to have hope that she is going to come out of this. She can't do this all on her own, you need to be strong too. I can't stand to see you and her like this. I'm coming down there, I'm flying to America. I can't just sit here knowing my two closest friends need support. (Y/N) is like family to me too, I am not leaving you two alone. I'm here for you two, Mark, your not alone in this." Mark teared up at his friend's words, only being able to nod. After a few more minutes talking, Mark hung up. He walked over to you and placed a feather like kiss upon your forehead, the only thing that seemed to be exposed at the moment.

"D-Don't worry baby...you'll be okay. Everything will be okay...please be okay."

(Hey guys. Sorry, this is going to be a 3 part, just to make sure I get everything in this imagine. I am glad you guys are liking it. Expect another chapter very soon hopefully.)

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