Just Thinking Part 2

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This is going to be a long one but I hope you lovelies still like it! Would you guys like me to do the wedding scene? Enjoy!)

   It has been at least a month since your friend's wedding. Mark's comment still was stuck inside your head. You were in love with the idea of putting on a white dress and walking down the aisle to your Markimoo. The mere thought of it made you tear up in happiness. You sighed contently and went back to cleaning the living room. It has been a quiet day, Mark busy going out to get a few things and coming back to record.
   He was gone at the moment, but he didn't tell you what he was getting. You thought nothing of it and cleaned up. Once that was done, Mark was still nowhere to be found. You say yourself down in the kitchen and got your phone out. Looking on Instagram, you saw a picture of Mark in his tuxedo at the wedding.
   You let your mind wander as you thought of your own wedding day. Chimes would be ringing, the sun would be shining. Mark would be waiting at the end of the aisle, hands shaking and all as he saw you. You would be walking with your father, arm and arm, as rows of your family and friends smiled at you.
   You were just thinking of your wedding dress when your phone went off. You jumped and looked down, seeing a text message from Mark. You checked the message, and looked at the front door.
"I want to take you out to dinner. Please look on the step outside, and wear it. I will be back to pick you up at 5. Your going to look stunning, as always. -Markimoo."
   You walked over and opened the door, curiously looking out. It was still early in the morning, the sun just coming out behind the clouds. There, sitting on the first step, was a large white box. You picked it up, looking around and not finding your Mark anywhere. You closed the door and walked up to your room. Setting the box on the bed, you opened it.
   It was a blue dress, the color of the sea at midnight. You let your fingers graze the soft fabric, a smile on your face. Why Mark wanted to do all this, you had no idea. You looked at the time, and decided to just get ready. You slipped it on, looking at yourself in the mirror. The dress had lace sleeves that sparkled with light and dark blue sparkles. It covered your chest and was designed with more lace and patterns from the waist up.
   From the waist down, it was a silky fluid skirt that reached to your knees. You giggled and spin around, watching it fan out in a big circle. You blushed, wondering what this was all for. Once your hair was curled and makeup was on, you heard a honk outside. Putting on your shoes, you headed outside and into Mark's car. He looked at you admiringly, a little smile on his face.
   Once again, he had on his tux he wore a month ago. Holding your hand, he quickly started driving to his destination.
"You look gorgeous." He stated simply, squeezing your hand.
"You look very handsome. Babe? Where are we going?"
"Oh, you'll see Angel."
   You arrived at a fancy restaurant. He walked you inside, his arm linked with yours. He gave you a curious smile as you were seated down. The night was filled with laughter and love. You almost spit out your water as Mark flicked paper wads to the next table over.
   You began to notice how nervous he was acting. He had sweat on his forehead and his hands were slightly shaking. He couldn't stop staring at you all night, and he made sure you knew it. The waiter set down dessert, and quickly handed Mark something. When you looked at him, he waved it off saying it was an order he wanted to take home.
   He took your hands in his, looking deep into your eyes. You watched him smile, his eyes shining.
"You mean so much to me, (Y/N). You make my heart pound and my hands shake. You make me so happy when I don't want to smile. Your my Angel and your my whole world. Just the thought of being able to be with you, makes me want to sing. Your my baby girl and I never want anyone else. I just...I could on and on about this but..I love you. God, I love you so damn much. I do." His voice trembled with emotion, making the both of you start to tear up.
   Your heart pounded in your ears as you sniffled and pulled him closer to kiss him. It was a spark of passion the minute your lips touched his. When you pulled away, you wiped at a tear falling down his cheek. You both chuckled and smiled at the ground.
   "(Y/N)?" Mark sad softly, making you lift your head up to meet his eyes. He smiled warmly at you, his hands leaving yours and reaching into his pocket. You looked at him in confusion, waiting for him to talk.
   "You look stunning in blue...but I think you would look breathtaking in..white." Your heart stopped as you watched him stand up.        Everything clicked the minute he got down on one knee. You gasped and covered your mouth, watching him pull out a black box. Everyone around you was silent as he opens the box and showed you a glittering diamond ring.
   "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be able to love you forever and always. (Y/N)....Will you marry me?" You didn't even let him finish as you said yes and lunged into his waiting arms.

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