The Breakup Part 3

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(A/N:HEY GUYS! Thank you so much for loving this imagine! The comments and support I've gotten is amazing! You guys are so awesome and sweet! Thank you guys so much! Time to get a happy imagine now!!!)

   You continued to stare at the ceiling, occasionally wiping your eyes and sniffling. You couldn't force the pain away, so by now you just accepted it. Your mind betrayed you as it replayed moments of you and Mark. You clenched the sheets and gritted your teeth. You shook your head, listening to the sound of your quick breathing and quiet sobs.
   "I miss him so much." You whispered into the air, watching the trees scratch softly against your window. You sighed, sitting up and rubbing your face. You knew you couldn't sleep, you didn't even want to try. So, changing into sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you pulled on your shoes and opened your window. Being as quiet as you could, you quickly jumped out and landed in the backyard.
   You shoved your hands deep in your pockets and headed towards the street. You kept your head down as you slowly walked along the sidewalk. Few cars drove by, it was just you and the silent world around you. You were lost deep in thought as you were gently grabbed from behind.
   You jolted out of your daze and turned around to see what was going on. You snapped your fist forward, but another hand stopped it from connecting to the stranger's face. You looked up, being face to face with..Mark. A gasp fell from your lips as you took a step back. Mark looked at you with concern, his hand reaching out to you.
   "(Y/N) I-"
  "NO! I heard what you said, I get it. You don't want me anymore. I understand, you made it clear. You don't love me anymore." You bit your lip to keep from crying as you glared at him through the tears. The pain was evident on his face, the pain clear in his eyes. He quickly grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. The harder you tried to fight, the more he pulled you towards him. 
   "Now I want you to stop and listen to me. Let me talk dammit. I love you, (Y/N). It's all my fault that we even broke up. I was a horrible boyfriend and I made you feel worthless. That will always haunt me for the rest of my life. Let me make it up to you..please. I love you so much, I love you too fucking much to let you walk away. Please baby...I need you in my life. I can make it up, I promise I can. I promise." His voice was choked with emotion and his hand started to shake.
   You sniffed and let the tears roll down as the feeling made your heart throb. You finally let him pull you into his arms as you both broke down. You sobbed into his chest, the fear of losing him making your knees buckle. You both went down and went on both knees in the grass. His arms wrapped tightly around you and yours locked around his neck.
   Both of you were crying into each other as you blubbered out words of apology and love. You could feel Mark trembling against you, his tears soaking your shoulder. He pulled away just enough to look at your face, his lip quivering.
   "I promise, I'll always love you. Please don't leave me, I promise I can make everything better. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He crashed his lips onto yours and you got lost in the kiss. Your tears ran down your face as you kissed him hard back. He kissed you with passion and urgency, he wanted you to feel how much he truly loves you.
   His hands gripped your hair and pulled you impossibly closer as his lips kissed yours. When you two finally pulled away, you both cracked a smile towards each other. You both wiped each other's faces dry and stood up. You shakingly hugged him tightly and intertwined your fingers with him.
   "The thought of losing you...I...couldn't handle that." You whispered, your voice cracking. He pressed his lips softly to your forehead and pulled you down the sidewalk.
   "You'll never lose me, your my baby girl. Your my whole world, if I lose you...I lose myself." With that, you pulled him into another long kiss before the pain in your heart subsided
You had your Markimoo back.

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