Joker Part 3 (Final)

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You were going to help Jack escape the Asylum..

    You didn't even register it as his laughter rang in your ears. It was around 11:30, the place quiet for once. There were occasional laughter and pounding of bloody fists every now and then from restless patients. Other thank that, it was dark and peaceful. You sat in your office, working the night shift as most doctors went home. Your friend left hours ago, leaving you alone to your thoughts. You shook your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. I'm not really going to go through with this, am I?, you thought. Whenever you were around the green haired maniac, you would do whatever he wanted. You were falling hard and fast, and you couldn't seem to catch yourself.

    You looked at the clock hanging on the wall, only minutes before you would actually go through with the plan. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your frantic heart. You couldn't believe you were helping a killer escape this place. Sweat trickled down the sides of your face as the time ticked by. The silence was nearly unbearable as you wrung your hands. You were a good person, you knew you were. You always followed the rules, never caused too much attention, and hated doing the wrong things. Tonight though, you knew everything about it screamed wrong. Even then, as your mind shouted and cried, you didn't listen to its warning. So you sat there, dwelling in your thoughts.

    You jumped slightly when the clock struck midnight, its gears clicking loudly. You were shaking as you stood up and quietly went into the hallway. You walked down quickly, your arms moving by your sides. You caught a few stares from the patients that still hadn't gone to bed, some of them holding accusations. Some even seemed like they knew what you were about to do. You shook your head, keeping your head down. Stop letting your fear get to you, you thought angrily. You forced your chin in the air as you made it to the back of the Asylum. Knowing just how dangerous Gotham City is, you knew this building was heavily armed. You were in the middle of crime town, You knew how to protect ourselves.

    You waited until a lone doctor walked past you and turned the corner before heading inside the storage room. It smelled of mold and dust as you flicked the light on. It flickered on, casting a bright light over all the extra weapons stored in the boxes. You wiped the sweat from your forehead and opened the first box. Staring at all the weapons made your stomach churn, but you ignored it. This is for Joker, you thought. Maybe after this, he will love me, the thought made you hopeful. You knew how crazy you sounded, but at the moment you didn't care. So, you carefully laid the machine gun over your shoulder, struggling with the weight. Joker had said that all you needed to know was to get him a gun, and he would handle the rest.

    You peeked your head out, making sure the hallways were clear. Slowly, you walked down the wall, keeping close to the wall. The door was just at the end of the hallway. You picked up your pace and made it to the door, hearing voices around the corner. You yelped quietly and unlocked the door just in time to slip in and close in. You were engulfed in darkness as the door clicked shut. You only heard your own breathing, quick and feeble. Suddenly, you heard a low chuckle from the other side of the room. You gulped, turning around quickly. You felt against the wall, frantically trying to find the light switch. When you finally found it, you wasted no time in flipping it on. Joker was standing inches from you. You gasped, grasping your chest in fear.

    "Finally, my toys." He said, smiling widely at you. He grasped the gun, holding in both hands. He chuckled quietly, eyes wide and twitching. He ran a hand through his green hair, his blue eyes flickering to yours. He flashed his metal teeth to you as he cackled and caught his breath. You were terrified, but excited at the same time. He cradled the gun close to him and opened the door wide.

    "Now, sweetie. Let's have some fun shall we?" He said darkly, his finger on the trigger. You didn't have time to answer as gunshots rang through the halls. You flinched and gasps as you saw several people run around the hallway. They all had animal masks on, hiding their faces. They cheered and hollered as they let their guns tear through the walls and windows. You heard screaming and crying as chaos erupted within the building. You watched nurses try to sprint to doors, only to be riddled with gunshot holes. Several bodies dropped to the ground as the bullets rained down on them. Joker let out a laugh as he ran into the hallway, joining the killers as they murdered innocent people. You shook your head, your hands covering your mouth. This isn't what you wanted, not at all. You heard Joker's string of curses as he fought with doctors and even other patients. Someone had opened all the mechanic doors to the patients, letting them roam free outside of their cells.

    "Well, look at this." Someone said, catching your attention. You looked at the door, seeing three burly men standing in the doorway. One had a goat head on, the other had a bear, and the last one had a ram. They all held weapons, their muscles rippling. You shook your head, backing up in the room. You looked around for something in the room, but to no avail. You pleaded to them, throwing stuff at them and trying to escape. They caught you easily, roughly pushing you down the hall. The smell of gunpowder filled the air, along with the rusty scent of blood. You stepped over several bodies, tears streaming down your face. The men whistled at you and made dog noises, gripping you tightly. You were pushed into an operating room, being put on the metal table. You thrashed around, cursing at them and throwing punches. They chuckled and held you down on the table, looking at you.

    You continued fighting as they started to grab you, pulling your hair and lifting your shirt. You screamed at them, fear taking over. They cheered each other on as they succeeded in unbuttoning your pants. Your voice seemed to be lost in the many that called for help amongst the army of crazies. Suddenly, they stopped. They stepped away from the table, looking at the door. You breathed heavily, trying to stop the cries that climbed up your throat. You shut your mouth, taking deep breaths. You looked up, seeing someone standing in the hallway. You heard the familiar laughter, making goosebumps ripple on your skin.

    "It's time for my toys, Harley." He said, walking up to you. He leaned over, letting you see his smiling face. He was shirtless now, the only thing he wore was his pants. The black tattoos sprung out from his pale skin as he rubbed his hands together. The other men watched him patiently as he walked around and examined you. You stayed still, slowly breathing through your nose. He came close and smiled down at you.

    "Are you ready?" He asked, his blue eyes flashing.

   "Ready for what?" You whispered, keeping your nerves as you stared into his eyes.

   "To become my Harley Quinn." He stated, his eyes softening just a bit. In that moment, everything around you disappeared. You knew how you felt towards this man, and you knew it was wrong. It was SO wrong. Maybe you were finally going insane. You knew it would happen one day, maybe this is it. You smiled at him, feeling yourself completely shut down. Your mind had snapped, you knew your decision. You giggled, flashing a smile up at him. His expression showed shock before it covered up into a smile.

    "What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me, Mr. J? I can take it." You said, glaring at him. He nodded, smiling widely. He stood behind your head, grabbing something from the counter. He held two devices in his hands, one of the guys flipping on a machine by his side. It starting humming and making strange noises. Joker laughed and touched the two devices together, making them spark with electricity. He bent down, whispering in your ear. You felt your sanity slowly slip away. You would do anything for this man, and you knew you would do it without question.

    "What? Oh, I'm not gonna kill you..No. I'm just hurt you...really....really....bad..." Then, he pushed the two devices to each side of your head and laughed. Your body threw itself into convulsions as electricity coursed through your body. You could feel your brain rattling, possibly even frying as currents ripped through it.

This was it...

You were becoming Daddy's Little Monster...

(TADAAAAAAAAAAAAA! How did I do, lovelies? Honestly, I love Joker. He is my absolute favorite. I hope I did good, I tried.)

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