Supernatural Part 3 (Final)

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! I have school starting tomorrow, so that's why today hasn't been a very updating day. I apologize for that!)

    You managed to drag The demon, Jack, back to your house. It took a lot of salt and holy water, and the hope that no one else saw what was going down. You didn't bother explaining the problem to the stupid jocks, you thought it would be fun to let them try to explain it to others. Jack's hands and legs were tied tightly with zip ties, doused in holy water.
    "This is such bullshit! She's the one who made the deal with me. I shouldn't be punished for doing my fuckin' job! Fuck you!" Jack spat out, moving his body around in the backseat. Dean shot a glare back at Jack, holding up a bottle of holy water. Jack sneered at Dean, but held himself still. You sheepishly looked in the rearview mirror, catching your eyes with Jack's. They flashed black, a smirk on his lips.
   "What? Cat got your tongue? You know, you've been a very bad girl. Betraying your brother like this? Tsk, tsk, tsk." Jack said, chuckling darkly at you. You glared and turned your eyes to the road, feeling Dean take glances at you.
   "Really, (Y/N)!? A demon!? Out of everything else you could have been involved pick a damn demon!? Why?" He said, his voice clipped and sharp. He gritted his teeth, his knuckles wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. Jack listened intently, a smug smile on his handsome face. You couldn't look at Dean in the eyes, you couldn't bare the shame.
    "I didn't know what I was thinking. I just wanted the teasing, the pushing, the name calls, the bullying, to stop. It happens every time we move to a new school. I'm always the one being pushed around while you..well you're the perfect son. You get everyone to love you. Where does that leave me, Dean? Nowhere. So that's why I did it." You shot at him, crossing your arms and looking out the window.
    You could see Dean's reflection in the glass. His icy eyes softened as his lips parted. He sighed, the awkward silence nearly making it unbearable. Jack continued slipping a few harsh jokes and crued remarks the whole way home. Several time Dean had snapped and flicked holy water on Jack's skin.
    "Let's bring this asshole in the room, and do our thing. Hopefully, this vessel fights and survives. I can't handle another one not making it." Dean said, his shoulders hunched. You nodded and with a struggle and a few shoves, you forced Jack into your living room. Dean kicked away the large rug in the center of the room, exposing a drawn, red, pentagram.
    We shoved him in a wooden chair, wrapping him with ropes and zip ties. He thrashed around in the chair, but couldn't escape. Jack spit at me, hissing and cursing me in different languages.
    "You're nothing but a pathetic, little, nobody. No one loves you, do they? You're the forgotten one, one that no one will care about. You're just a worthless fuck." The harsh words made you cringe, but you held strong. Dean growled at Jack, walking around him. Like a predator after its prey. You pulled out your book, holding it steady in one hand. Flipping through the pages, Dean held his holy water in his hand.
   "Oh, come on. Don't do this, we made a deal! You can't break a deal! This is bullshit!" Dean chuckled and poured the water over his head. His skin sizzled and steamed as he hissed and gritted his teeth. You winced and started to read the words. He shook his head and screamed, trying to block out the words. You shouted them at Jack, watching him writhe in his chair. It creaked and groaned with his weight as he threw himself into it.
   "ALMOST THERE!" Dean shouted, grinning and burning the demon's skin with water. Jack shrieked in an animal like yell, causing your hair to rise. You gritted your teeth and continued reading the lines, your eyes boring into Jack's. His eyes flashed red with anger as he screamed louder and louder. His claws dug into the wood, creating marks in the arm chair.
   "NO! PLEASE, NO! I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER! NO! STOP!" Jack pleaded, veins scattering under his skin as his eyes bled blood. He looked up at the ceiling and screamed again, sputtering out weird words. Dean watched the two of you in silence, anger on his face. Jack's eyes widened as he opened his jaw wider. Black smoke started to curl from his throat and float from his lips.
   "NO! NO! NO! YOU BITCH! I'LL RIP YOU TO FUCKING PIECES! JUST WAIT UNTIL LUCIFER GETS HIS HANDS ON YOU!" You ignored him and read the last line, looking up from the page. Jack threw his head back, his fingers curling around the chair. He groaned, and let out the smoke. It burst from his lips and shot towards the ceiling. Thick, black, smoke shot out his body, vanishing into the air. His screams faded until they were choked and then he went silent. When the last remains of the smoke dispersed, he leaned heavily in the chair.
    It titled to one side and tumbled to the floor. Dean rushed to his side, cutting the bondage free and laying the boy on the ground. Jack's eyes were closed, bruises littering his skin. You and Dean helped him to the couch, dabbing a wet cloth against his forehead.
    "Do you think he made it?" You asked, pressing the cool cloth against his skin. He was sweaty, his green hair sticking to his forehead. Dean shrugged and took a deep breath, shaking his head. He then went through an entire lecture about how you were stupid, ridiculous, and down right an asshole. You endured it, you knew you deserved it. You looked down at Jack, hoping this poor boy made it.
   When he started stirring, you stood on your feet. He groaned, his eyes squeezing tight. He let out another groan, fluttering his eyes open. You were shocked to see how icy and blue they were. You helped him sit up, the color draining in his cheeks. He looked around, eyes wide and mouth dropped open. Dean explain the situation, surprised to see Jack didn't seem to surprised.
    Jack then explained how a demon possessed him awhile back ago, and he never was able to get his body back. Jack turned to you, sweat trickling down his face. He tackled you in a hug, sobbing and thanking you over and over. You blushed and hugged him back, Dean watching in amusement.
    "Thank you so much for saving me. You saved me from an eternity of hell. Thank you so much, I'll never be able to repay you. I also apologize for whatever I said or did. I want I control." You nodded, smiling at him. He smiled back, taking a few deep breaths.
    "You kiss me." You mumbled, looking down at your hands. Jack gasped, starting to apologize. You didn't have the nerve to tell him how much you didn't mind it at all. Suddenly, you felt him press his lips against yours. You pulled away, eyes wide.
   "I guess I don't regret doing that then." He stated shyly, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Dean chuckled and shook his head. You knew Dean was still angry, but he seemed to be content for now. Dean pulled you into a hug, sighing. You pulled away, seeing him shake his head. As you turned around, you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head. Dean had hit you in the back of your head.

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