Seven Minutes In Heaven

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"I don't even want to go!" You whined to your friend, causing her to roll her eyes at you. You just wanted to stay home and play your new game you just bought while stuffing your face with junk food. That was your plans for this weekend, until your friend decided to ruin it.
"Oh come on (Y/N)! You never go out, your stuck inside all day after classes! Your such a loner, you'll meet a lot of cute guys there!" You groaned loudly, staring at the floor. You didn't want to go, you didn't like meeting new people. You were shy and quiet, you didn't like being noticed. Your friend gave you a desperate look, the kind of look that always made you feel bad even though you did nothing.
"You owe me BIG time." You grumbled, causing her to squeal and tackle you with a hug. You growled and grabbed your coat, heading out to her car. You two were heading off to a party she was invited to, she knew them, not you. You arrived shortly after, hating every second of it as you walked inside.
Music blared through the large house and there were plenty of bodies crammed into the space. People laughing and singing floated through the air, making your head hurt. You grabbed onto your friends hand as she led you upstairs to a smaller and quiet room. Inside, were a group of people sitting in a circle. A girl walked up and introduced herself as Candy. Your friend hugged her and introduced you as well.
"We were just starting a game of seven minutes in heaven. Wanna join?" She winked at you two, causing your friend to cheer but you to blush deeply. She pulled you to the circle and you both sat down. They were chattering and talking as you just sat there being quiet. They had a hat in the middle of the floor with bits of paper inside.
"(Y/N), is it? Why don't you go first?" The girl, Candy, stated. You felt yourself blush as everyone turned their attention to you. You knew the game rules, and you knew you had to do the game with a complete stranger. You willed your hand not to shake as you picked a piece of paper randomly.
"U-Um...J-Jack?" You said quietly, hoping nobody would hear me. Your friend giggled and nudged you in the ribs, causing you to glare at her. You looked up to see a boy sitting across from you, his eyes wide. You looked him over as your blush bloomed all over your face. His green hair was tousled and messy, hanging in his eyes a bit. His eyes were a gorgeous light blue, from where you were sitting it even looked like an ashy gray.
He tugged at his black button up flannel, your eyes going down to his worn blue jeans. He scratched at his stubble covering his jawline and chin. He was very attractive to you, you had to admit. He was paler than most of the poeple in the room, the blush on his cheeks more visible.
"Ah for fuck's sake, I just came here for ma friend. To I really have ta do this lads?" He asked nervously, his Irish accent coming out. You gulped, feeling yourself start to sweat. The group laughed at him, the bass of the music being heard from downstairs. It was so loud it even vibrated the bottoms of your feet.
"Ah, come on Jackiboy! It won't be that bad! Just seven whole minutes and then your done! Hey, you might end up liking it!" A guy next to him said, poking his sides. He glared at his buddy while your friend started dragging you to the closet. Jack followed behind, looking as nervous as you were. Your friend giggled and winked before shoving you in the closet.
"Remember! Seven minutes you two, don't get too kinky in there." You gasped and before you could yell at her, the door was shut and locked. You turned the door a few times, being proven they did in fact lock you in. You groaned and leaned against the door, feelings the man's eyes on you.
"I d-didn't even want to p-play either. I just wanted to stay home and p-play fallout 4." You muttered, cursing yourself for stuttering. You heard his quiet chuckle a few inches from you, his laugh sounding pleasant in his ears. You barely saw him nod at you, his green hair slightly being seen in the darkness.
"I don't hear anything! Come on you two! Spice things up!" Your friend yelled, causing the others to laugh. I growled under my breath and shook my head, sighing.
"I'm guessing your friend made you come too?" You nodded to him, letting a smile touch your lips. It was an awkward silence for a few minutes until you felt him come a little closer. Your heart was pounding in your chest, you never played this before.
"I've never done this game b-before, and this is so awkward and w-weird. I mean, if you wanted to...not what you think...I mean not what they thin-..uh I um what I meant was..ah fuck." He said, fumbling for words. You thought it was kinda cute as you heard him try to tell you. You stepped a little closer too, feeling his fingertips graze the front of your hand.
"I-I mean..a k-kiss...wouldn't hurt. Right?" You stuttered, amazed at how confident you were being. You felt him nod and soon felt his cool hand placed on your blazing cheek. You leaned into his touch, smiling a little. Sure, you two didn't know one thing about each other, but something about this just made it seem okay to do. You couldn't describe it, so you just went along with the feeling.
"If you want to stop. Just tell me..okay?" He whispered, concern laced with his words. You giggled and nodded, starting to feel a little excited. He leaned down and you soon felt the pressure of his lips on yours. It was startling at first, causing you not to kiss back. Before he could pull away in worry, you gently grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer.
You softly kissed him back, both of you trying to get used to the situation. His hands cradled your face while yours pressed against his chest. You two didn't do anything else for a couple seconds, just enjoying the feeling of each other's lips. It's been awhile since you've had a kiss from another, you realized how much you've missed it.
Pulling away for air, Jack stared into your eyes. You could see his in the dark, you didn't seem to mind just staring. Leaning back in, you two continued the kiss. You tilted to the side, deepening the kiss and feeling giddy all over. His hands accidentally knocked off your beanie, but you didn't mind as he ran through your (H/C) locks.
Your hands slid up his neck and started to go through his hair. It felt soft and smooth to the touch, it made you want to stay like this forever. You two were pressed against each other gently, you both were surprised at how careful you were towards one another. It was clearly longer than seven minutes, but no one seemed to stop them.
"Alright let's see wh-." Your friend's voice chimed behind you, causing you to reluctantly pull away from Jack. She stared at you two wide eyed, a huge smile growing on her face. She clapped and started jumping, squealing with happiness. You and jack coughed awkwardly and felt your faces blush with embarrassment. You bent down to grab your beanie and quickly walked out.
Different voices of, "Oooo's.", were heard from the others. You ignored them and wished the blush on your cheeks would go away.
"That's my girl!" Your friend cheered, rifling through the hat for her turn. You shook your head and laughed nervously. You headed outside, deciding to get some fresh air. The smell of booze and cigarettes wafted through the yard, causing you to make a face. You heard footsteps behind you and when you turned around, you saw it was Jack.
"Wanted to get away?" He asked, causing you to chuckle and nod. You introduced yourself to him, saying your name finally. In the moonlight, you could see his shapely lips that were pressed against yours just moments ago. They were a dark pink and slightly plumper from the kissing.
You forced your eyes to go back to his, feeling stupid for staring so long. He held his arm out to you, making you look at him in confusion. He chuckled and wrapped an arm around yours.
"Well, seeing as w-we got to know each other pretty well in there..w-why don't we get to know each other even better" He asked, his eyes darting to the ground. You felt your heart burst with happiness as you agreed to it, making him smile even more. You two were arm in arm as you head down to an all night cafe to talk about each other, both of your shyness and quiet side disappearing the more you two talked.

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