Food Fight

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   You hummed along with the music you had turned on, your head nodding along to the beat. You grabbed a spoon and started stirring a big bowl on the counter. You were bored while your Markimoo was recording videos, so you decided to do a little cooking.
    "WHAT THE FUCK! OH GOD..OH GOD! NO NO NO..GET AWAY!" You heard Mark screaming in terror, a few thumps, and then his contagious laughter. You started giggling and shaking your head as you went to the fridge to get more ingredients. The radio changed to your favorite song, "(F/S)".
Your smile widened as you set the bowl down and started dancing. Your hips swayed along to the music and you started singing along to the words. You didn't notice Mark's door open..or him watching you. You spun around and eventually saw him..which made you fall.
"Nice moves...seriously very entertaining." He burst out laughing, holding his stomach and throwing his head back. You tried to glare at him but you ended up chuckling loudly. He helped you off the floor and pecked a kiss on your nose.
You slipped out of his grasp and made it back to the kitchen. He didn't suspect a thing as you quickly scooped cookie dough out of the bowl and launched it at Mark's face. He let out a yelp of surprise as a glop of cookie dough landed on his nose.
    "EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!" You shouted, your smile widening as he started laughing. He ran at you, causing you to scream and run around the table. He scooped the dough off his face and threw it back at you. You gasped as you noticed he was by the bowl. Mark noticed also, winking at you and grabbing the bowl. 
   "C-Come on now Mark..don't do this. Let's talk about this first!" He chuckled deeply and got a handful of dough. Your mouth dropped open and before you knew it, your face was splattered with dough. Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard as you wiped it away from your face.
    "Your so on, babe! THIS IS WAR!" You shouted, running away from him. You two spent the next hour throwing pieces of food at eachother until you calmed down and actually started cooking together, both of you smelling like delicious cookies and dough!

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now