Stress Reliever

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(A/N: I am sorry but this picture is oh meh lord <3. This picture of him is amazing. He had to be sculpted from the heavens <3. Good lord XD)

You hiked your bag higher on your shoulder that was already aching in pain. Today had not been a good day. You had several clients at your work who made you feel like a professional to an absolute idiot in two seconds flat. Your boss seemed extra happy today and left you with stacks of paperwork to do on your desk. This meant staying later than you were supposed to, to finish everything.
   A girl walked by your desk, the sound of her high heels clicking down the hallway. She snickered at you and swiftly pushed a stack of papers to the floor. They flew everywhere, some ending under her feet as she made her way to the elevator.
   "Oops! How clumsy of me!" She giggled, straightening her shirt before leaving in the elevator. You sighed deeply and quickly started picking up the papers scattered around the floor. You had plenty to keep you busy. You looked around the dark room, only seeing a few more people working at their desks. You sat down and got to work.
   You checked the time, 1:00 A.M. You couldn't believe it was as you neatly put away the paper and headed outside. Your feet were numb from your heels and your head pounded from all the activity that was going around it today.
   You got in your car and quickly made your way home. You were currently fuming over how horrible your day was, and to top it all off, you managed to step in a puddle before getting into your car. So being pissed off, tired, and having a soaked pant leg, you went inside your house.
You instantly threw your bag against the wall, kicked off your shoes, and took your jacket off. Mark looked up at you from the kitchen counter he was leaning on, his phone in his hands. You opened your mouth and let out a loud groan.
"Stupid boss! Stupid workers! STUPID PEOPLE! STUPID JOB!" You grumbled loudly, crossing your arms and frowning. Mark made his way over to you and pulled you in a hug. He pulled away quickly, looking down at your soaked pants leg.
"Don't ask." You said, rolling your eyes and rubbing your temples. You looked back up at your boyfriend and kinda just..stared at him. Just enough seconds to take him all in. His blue wavy hair was brushed and fixed, always in that poofy style you loved. Your eyes traced his soft chocolate brown eyes and pouty, shapely lips.
To His strong jaw and dominant collar bones on his chest. You followed his shapely arms and the slight curves on his chest from the snug T-Shirt he had on. You gladly felt the anger dissolving away as Mark gave you that large smile of his.
Before he knew it, you had him against the wall with your lips on his. You needed to feel his lips on yours. He didn't protest as his lips moved over yours effortlessly, his gentle hands pulling you closer by your waist. Your fingers immediately went to his hair as you gently stroked through the soft locks.
You kissed him with urgency and yearning, it was defenitly making Mark surprised. You kissed down his jaw and started sucking at the spot between his neck and shoulder. Now that shocked him, making his grip tighten on you, and his lips stop moving for a moment. After a few minutes, you pulled away.
"" Mark stuttered, both of your faces red and hot. You two took deep breaths and you let out a giggle. You fixed his hair as you felt his hands run down your sides gently. He smiled warmly at you, his lips begging to be kissed again.
"I defenitly needed this after today." You stated simply, smiling widely at him. He chuckled and nodded, running a hand through his hair. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the couch, sitting him on his lap. Pushing your hair out of your face, he leaned close until his lips were grazing yours.
"Oh, we're not done yet." He said quietly, making you look down and chuckle. You quickly looked back up and bit your lip. It didn't take long for his wishes to be answered as you pressed your lips back on his.

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