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(A/N: HELLO LOVELIES! I am in the hotel chilling because it decided to hail and storm, heh lovely -_-  SOOOO, update time! Sorry if it sucks.)

   It was a bright, sunny day, when you and Mark decided to play mini-golf. You went with Mark,Jack,Bob, and Wade. You were having a blast figuring out how to go through the different intricate levels the course provided. Mark kissed your cheek as he walked up to the hole with his putter. You giggled as Jack and Wade made faces behind him and booed him.
   "SHUT UP! IM IN THE ZONE! Watch this shit." He stated, holding his hand out. He set up the golf ball, concentrating on the hole on the other side. You shook your head as he wriggled his butt and bent over. After a few practice hits, he finally swung it all the way through. He cheered as it went soaring over the course. His cheers died down once he watched his golf ball plunk right into the water behind it. Jack burst out laughing and clapped.
    "YAY! I LIKE THIS GAME!" Jack shouted, holding his stomach from laughing. Wade chuckled and they all tried it. Mark grumbled and whined as he sent three more balls over the hole. He glared at them while they all made it in the hole. You giggled and grabbed his hand to pull him to the other course. Bob boasted and bragged as he had a hole in wall. Wade groaned and screamed when his ball bounced off the hole and into the water.
   "SON OF A BITCH!" Jack shouted, making you jump. You watched him hit the ball in frustration, sending it flying the other direction. He gritted his teeth and groaned, setting up another ball. You were burst into fits of giggles as Jack failed each time.
   "WHAT!? WHY!"
   "FUCK YOU!"
   "Mark stifled a chuckle as he made his ball in, now everyone watching Jack rage. He hit in club into the ground as another string of curses slipped out of his mouth. You played a few with them, impressing Mark with your skills. Jack and Mark fumed as they hit each other's ball, feet away from the hole. They threw their hands up and groaned.
   "OH, COME ON!" Mark shouted, Wade's ball hitting it out of the hole. Wade's face turned red as he busted out with laughter. Mark cursed and tried it again, but hit it too hard.
   "FUCK YOU BALL!" Mark screamed, his voice raising a couple octaves. You covered your mouth and snorted, watching the group of boys fight over the hole. Curses were made, balls were thrown, and holes were won as the game went on. Jack blushed a little and apologized for his outburst.
    "I'm sorry for my language..I just get mad." Mark scoffed him.
    "It's cause he's Irish."
    "You little asshole." Jack shot back, giving him a playful shove. Mark chuckled and pulled you close to kiss you. You blushed and kissed him back. You pulled away to see Wade and Bon making kissey faces at you. Jack smirked and shook his head.
  "Get a ro-OW!" Jack shouted, a pink ball being thrown at him by Mark. Jack chuckled and threw it back before walking to the other course. You walked hand and hand with Mark with them, enjoying this day way too much. Wade set his ball up, when you saw a devious look on Mark and Jack's face. He left your hand as he and Jack crept up to each side of Wade. They counted to three silently before leaning close and shouting in Wade's ear.
   "WHAT THE HELL!" Wade screamed in a high pitched voice, sending his arm sharply the wrong way. The ball flew into the air and nailed the side of the wood, bouncing away from the winning hole. He groaned and glared at them both, who crept away and acted innocent. You giggled and shook your head, standing next to Bob. Wade finally finished his turn and moved onto the next, eyeing the two boys angrily. Mark met up with you, holding you close you ventured the next course.
  "I'm a pro golfer, as you can tell."
   "Oh I can definitely tell. I can tell from those golf balls all piled into the water." His smile dropped and he tried act angry, but failed and chuckled. Jack smiled at you two before setting up his ball. His smile quickly wiped off his face as he missed his hit. He tried again, but missed. You and Mark looked at each other, trying to suppress a smile.
   "Is he going to...?"
   "I think he is going to bl-"
  "'s cause he's Irish."

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