Fight 2

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You stayed out hours after you slammed the door close, the night air wrapping itself around you. You didn't exactly know where to go, but you didn't care. Your footsteps echoed in your ears as you continued your slow pace down the sidewalk. Your eyes flickered to the warm and cozy house as your passed by. You shivered as a breeze caresses your skin and made goosebumps appear.
You didn't mind the cold too much, it cleared your head and kept you awake. You took a deep breath of the crisp air, letting a sigh push through your lips. You watched the mist of your breath curl and spin in the air. You made sure to leave your phone at the house so you wouldn't see the messages and calls Mark sent you.
Finally, after you started to have trouble seeing, you decided to turn and go back. You knew you've been out for awhile, seeing the dark houses and empty streets. Your tears have dried hours ago, now only sadness buried in your heart. You stared at the stars that scattered among the skies as you walked.
You reached your house, still seeing the lights on, but no Mark. You quietly slipped inside, relishing in the warmth the house gave you. You rubbed your face and walked into the living room. You were glad Mark wasn't there as you grabbed your things for a shower.
"I was worried about you.." Mark's voice startled you as you kept your back to him. You shrugged, grabbing a towel before going upstairs. You heard him follow you silently, your eyes started to sting.
"No need to. I'm just fine, Mark. I'm going to take a shower, you should probably head to bed." You stated simply, shutting the door before he could say anything else. You hated acting this way to your Mark. You brushed through your hair as you walked down the silent hallway, into the kitchen.
You jumped a little as you felt arms go around you. You tensed up, feeling yourself turn around. Mark laid his head on your shoulder and hugged you tightly.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N). P-Please...I-I'm sorry.." Your heart hurt at the pain in his voice. His fingertips pressed into your back as you heard his hitched breathing. You sighed and hugged him back, your lips going to his forehead.
"Let's go to bed..okay?" You whispered, rubbing his back softly. You felt him nod as he intertwined his hand with yours and pulled you to the bed. He pulled you down against him, his arms pulling you close. Your head laid in the crook of his neck, your leg tangled with his.
"I'm sorry..I just got mad and I've been tired today. I took it out on you..I'm sorry." Mark said quietly, his fingertips touching your cheek. You nodded and sat up, looking at him. You gently kissed his lips, moving yours with his slowly. You both settled down and started to drift off to sleep, forgiving each other and enjoying both of your company as you slept.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now