Moonlight Secrets

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! Once again this is an imagine that I've thought of. And once again, I have no idea if you guys will like it. Hopefully you will, so let's get going! Enjoy lovelies! It's a bit long, and on the "supernatural" side. Not the show, just the theme.)

   You were always curious to the new kid that arrived to your school. His name was Jack McLoughlin. He kept to himself and never really spoke to anyone in the school. He looked fierce and intimidating, most of the kids avoiding him the best he could. He didn't seem to mind, he seemed to also distant himself away from everyone.
   You were intrigued by his neon green hair and punkish look he had going on. He always wore green gauges in his ears, a black hoodie, and ripped jeans with his vans. He always sat in the back of the class and ignored everyone. You couldn't seem to just look past him, you wanted to get to know him.
    That was impossible though with his angry demeanor and his glare through his bushy eyebrows. It's been at least a month since he moved here, and he made no attempt to make any friends. Finally one day, you decided to meet him. School was out and it was beginning to rain. The sun was going down quickly due to the early stages of winter. You hugged your jacket tightly around you and searched frantically for the fluff of green hair.
   You finally spotted him weaving himself in and out of the sea of students trying to get home. You pushed your way past a couple students, but he was a ways ahead already. Finally you broke through the wall of people and spotted him walking down the street. He walked with his head down and hands shoved deep in his pockets. His earbuds were in, blaring an unfamiliar song.
   As you walked closer, you noticed a tattoo creeping on his neck. It was a tattoo of a black moon, covering a small portion of the side of his neck. You never noticed before, then again you've never been this close to him before. You felt the raindrops slide icily down your exposed skin as you tapped him on the shoulder. His seemed genuinely surprised that someone was actually talking to him.
   "What?" He snapped, looking at you angrily. He tore out his buds and stared at you. His eyes soften just a little as he noticed it was you. You blushed and gave him a single wave, scratching the back of your neck. He sighed and continued walking, looking at you in the corner of his eye.
   "Hi! We haven't met before. I'm (Y/N). What's your na-" He stopped abruptly, making you jump back a little. His bright blue eyes flared up with anger as he clenched his fists together. You could practically feel the anger rolling off his body. He locked his jaw, his muscles tightening.
   "Stop. You don't want to get to know me." He warned under his breath, his accent ringing through. You took an intake of breath and looked at him in confusion. He seemed so shut off from everyone, so secretive. What was he hiding?
   "I-I didn't mean to make you angry. I've just wanted to talk to you for aw-"
    "I said STOP. You don't want to get to know a person like me. So back off." With that, he turned sharply on his heels and walked down the street. You let him go, seeing most curl from your lips as you let out a breath. You shook your head and walked home alone, your mind confused about Jack. He's such an angry person, full of so much bottled up emotion. There was something about him you couldn't shake.
   Night came and you were in your room, doing homework. You couldn't exactly focus, icy blue eyes seemed to distract your thinking. Suddenly, a hard thud came from outside your window. You opened your window quietly and looked out. It was silent in your neighborhood, it was always this quiet. The sound echoed off your walls and into your ears. You look past a couple houses to see somebody jump out their window. 
   They landed with ease on their feet and crouched down. They looked left to right suspiciously, before moving quickly into the street. When the streetlamp light washed over the person, you instantly recognized them.
It was Jack.
   His head turned this way and that, slow and precise movements to ensure he made no alert to anyone nearby. Curiosity got the better of you as you shoved your shoes on and climbed out your own window. After slipping a few times and scraping your knees, you landed in the grass. You quickly ventured near him, following just a few feet away. It was a long and heart pounding process to make sure he didn't see you.
   You both walked through the woods, deep into the dark forest. Finally, he broke through a tree line and entered a meadow. The moonlight shined over the both of you as he walked in the middle of the field. He was breathing heavily by now, and he tensed his whole body up. He was muttering quickly to himself, holding his head and whimpering.
   "No, not tonight. Not again, fuck. Not again, please. NO!"
   He looked like he was in pain, you were worried. He dropped to his knees, knocking his hat off and gripping his hair. You gasped, stepping out of the bushes. Your foot snapped a twig, shattering the ringing silence hanging in the air. Jack snapped his head towards you as you walked closer to him. He growled at you,growled! He used his legs to push him away from you, fear wide in his eyes.
   "No! No! What did I say!?" He shouted, his voice strained and choked. You reached your hand out, grazing his hand. He yelped and shoved you away before he started convulsing on the ground. The moonlight washed his features and he started to howl in pain. He scratched at his skin as he breathed in gasps and twitched around. You covered your mouth and watched as he started to change.
   "RUN. NOW." His voice dropped a few octaves lower, until it was a rumbling deep pitched noise. His words eventually turned into a chest rumbling growl as his nose grew into a snout. His hands clawed the dirt as his fingernails tore under the pressure of black claws pushing their way through his skin. He let out loud yelps that pierced your ears in pain.
   "Jack!" You yelled, but your voice was drowned out by the shrieks of pain coming from Jack. He writhed in the dirt, his skin being ripped and torn as sleek, black, fur poked through his flesh. The sound filled the air and made your own skin crawl with goosebumps. He had tears running down his cheeks as he clawed at his own face. He arched his back, throwing himself on his knees. He was trembling all over, his clothes falling to shreds as it was replaced with a bulky, furry, body.
   You watched in utter terror as his body grew in size and mass. Soon, he was growing paws and his face was consumed by black fur as two large ears poked out of his head. His whimpers sounded more animal like, and his cries were more domestic. He clawed weakly at the ground as his neck glowed a bright green. It wa his tattoo, it remained imprinted in his fur. Its glow quickly faded as Jack stood on a pile of his torn up clothes.
   Your hands shook so hard you couldn't keep yourself still as you were rooted in place. You had to look up to see Jack, he was taller than you were now. His black tail swished the ground carefully, his sharp teeth barring at you. They glinted in the moonlight as you fell on your bottom.
   He let out an ear shattering howl as he threw his massive black head up to the moon. Your heart leaped to your throat as you struggled to drag in a shaky breath. His eyes centered on yours. They were no longer a bright,sparkling, blue. they were a piercing emerald green. His large eyes stabbed into your soul. His hard stare made you wish you never stepped foot out of your window. This can't be happening. This can't be real. He walked over to you, now on all fours. He let out another growl and towered over you.

Jack was no longer human..Jack was now a werewolf.

(Part Two..maybe?)

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