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(A/N: HEY GUYS! Sorry for the waiting of the Jack book, "The Sketcher." School has been draining me and I haven't had much energy or the time to actually sit down and write it. Don't worry lovelies, this book will happen. Don't you worry.)

   "HEY! NO! GET AWAY! IT IS THE CRAZED BUTT STABBER! GET AWAY! GOD DAMMIT JACK!" You could hear Mark shouting as usual in his room, making you chuckle and shake your head. You turned your eyes to look out the window, which was currently being bashed with rain. Lightning crackled through the sky and the thunder pounded in the clouds.
   It rumbled the ground as the rain showered over your roof. You were currently snuggled up on the couch, watching a movie. It was a quiet but eerie night, perfect for movies. You were halfway through the film when suddenly you got a perfect idea. Still hearing Mark's voice, you creeped up to the door and opened it slowly.
   It barely creaked, allowing you to peek inside. The light were shut off, letting you hide better from Mark. He was seated in his swivel chair, headphones on and shouting at the computer. Jack,Mark,Bob and Wade were in the game as well, shouting along with him as they played. You could hear Jack's booming voice as you creeped ever so slowly towards Mark.
   "Yeah, yeah. Keep talking, just wait until I find you Jackiboy. I WILL FIND YOU...AND I WILL KILL YOU!" Mark shouted, pressing repeatedly on his mouse and laughing. You held a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing as you stood right behind him. You were ducked down, hidden behind his chair. He continued grumbling and talking as you waited for the right moment.
   "Okay..now it's starting to get a bit spooky. SPOOPY TIME!" Mark shouted, the others laughing and agreeing as well. As soon as the lights on the screen dimmed, you jumped up and screamed. Gripping his shoulders tightly was also a nice add on. Mark screamed like a little girl and spun around.
    You jumped back just in time to watch his chair fall and him topple to the ground after it. His headphones slipped off and landed softly on the ground. You could hear hysterical laughter from the speakers as Mark lay stunned on the ground.
   "WHAT THE HELL! I ALMOST SHIT MY PANTS! OH MY GOD! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" You were doubled over with laughter as Mark clambered back up. Your laugh was cut short as you opened the door and ran.
   "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE, MISSY! NO ONE MESSES WITH MARKIMOO!" His voice shouted, making you burst out laughing and run upstairs. You could hear his heavy footsteps as you sprinted into your room and hid behind the door.
   "God damn it, I almost had a heart attack." Mark stated angrily, stepping inside the room and towards the bed. You took the opportunity to stow out of your hiding spot and run to the door. You didn't get very far as his arm wrapped around your waist and threw you on the bed. You giggled hysterically as he pinned you down and grinned at you.
   "Wait, wait! I need to breathe...okay I'm good...never mind." You started giggling again, making Mark join in. He tickled your sides and kisses your cheek, shaking his head and standing up off the bed. He took a deep breath, looking down at you. You smiled innocently at him and waved.
   "Oh, (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N). This calls for war my love." With that, he blew you a kiss and went back downstairs to finish his play through. You followed him, clutching your aging stomach and letting out more giggles. Mark winked at you before closing his recording room.
"Two can play at this game."

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