Sweet Surprise

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(HEY LOVELIES! So, this is another requested imagine by another lovely reader! Thank you guys for wanting me to write your imagines, I love them all! You all have wonderful ideas and I'm honored you want me to present them. Also, I apologize for the slow wait on the two new Youtuber stories I will be working on. The Ghost Jack and the Life Is Strange Mark one. I wanted to get the requests for this book out of the way, so I have time to work on those two. I apologize. Once again, thank you Ever8888 for wanting me to write this brilliant imagine! ENJOY!)

"...And that is how I ate over ten peppers and sat my ass in a bathtub full of ice cubes!" Mark finished, hearing you burst out into laughter. You shook your head, looking at him on the screen. You had met Mark months ago, online. When you two met, you hit it off great. It seemed like ever since that message from him, you two talk constantly. Eventually, you wanted to see each other, so you started to Skype each other. You two have been very good friends ever since then. He was very caring and sweet, and always excited to talk to you. You loved hearing how his Youtube career was going, and you couldn't be any prouder. As more months went by though, the more you wanted to see him face to face.

   "You are something, Mark." You giggled, smiling at him. He winked at you and flexed his muscles on camera.

  "Something meaning a big hunk of sexiness, yes I know. Thank you for acknowledging that." You blushed slightly, sticking your tongue out at him. He chuckled and you two continued to talk for hours. Once the sun went down and the darkness was starting to creep out, you two decided to head to bed. He looked at you, smiling for seemingly no reason. You squinted your eyes at him in confusion.

   "What is that look on your face for?"

  "What's wrong with my face?" Mark asked.

  "It looks weirder than normal." You said with a smirk.

  "Oh, whatever! You know you like it! Also, it's nothing. Really, goodnight (Y/N). Sweet dreams." He said, waving at the screen before it went back. You looked at yourself in the reflection of the screen,seeing you bite your bottom lip. You tapped your chin in thought. You really wanted to see Mark, and even surprise him. The thought of finally hugging Mark made your heart flutter. Calm down, you big baby, you thought in embarrassment. You had to admit, you did have just a slight crush on Mark. It wasn't like you could stop it, and you didn't want to either. You jumped to your feet, smiling wickedly. Snatching your phone up from the bed, you instantly called the airport.

You were planning to fly out to Mark tomorrow evening. You were going to surprise him.

   A smile that stretched from ear to ear was planted on your lips as you hung up the phone. You were soon going to meet your long distance friend, finally. The thought stayed engraved in your mind as you laid down and tried to sleep. Though, you knew the butterflies in your stomach wouldn't allow such things.


   Mark waved to the screen before he hung up, a large smile on his face. He ran a had through his red hair and chuckled. He loved talking to you, it was the highlight of his day. Just the way you laughed, and the way you talked, just the way you were..it drove Mark crazy. He would love to be able to hug you, and meet you in person. He was falling for you, and he was falling hard. He never had the guts to tell you how he felt, but oh how he wished he could. He sighed and sat down on his couch, petting Chica as the dog climbed onto the couch next to him. He scratched his chin, looking around until his eyes landed on the phone on the table. A thought popped into his head, making his lips form a wide smile. He wanted to be able to feel his arms wrap around you, to hear your voice next to him, not just from a computer screen.

   "Yes...tomorrow is a perfect time! 5:30?...great! Yes...okay..thank you!...uh huh...bye!" He tossed his phone on the couch, chuckling. He felt giddy all over. He was going to ask if he could fly over, but he thought a surprise would work much better. Chica wagged her tail, licking his hand as he bent down to her. He rubbed her soft ears, kissing her forehead before giving her a good belly rub.

   "I'm going to meet her tomorrow Chica! Tomorrow is the day!" Chica gave him a sharp bark, making him chuckle. He yawned and stretched, heading towards his room. He knew he had time to pack tomorrow, so he was going to wait. After changing into some sweatpants, he plopped into his bed. He turned to the side, feeling Chica climb up next to him. He smiled, closing his eyes and thinking of how he was going to surprise you.


    You woke up bright and early the next day, getting a head start with packing. You quickly packed a small luggage, getting everything ready for the trip. You were nervous and excited all at the same time. You couldn't wait to see him, you were ready. You waited impatiently as the day dragged on, almost as if it knew what you were about to do. You found it weird that Mark hasn't texted you yet, but you shrugged it off. As the the time finally ticked away, you got in your car and left for the airport. You couldn't wipe the smile smug on your face as you got your ticket and boarded the plane. You sat by the window, looking out when the plane took off. You giggled quietly, unable to contain your happiness. You sent a quick text to Mark, biting your lip.

   "I hope you have a great day, can't wait to see you again. :-)."

You hit send, and put your phone away. You watched the ground vanish from underneath you, and the clouds appear as you soared through the sky. The ground became smaller until you couldn't see buildings and people anymore. You took a deep breath, laying back in your seat. You closed your eyes, imagining what it was going to be like when he turned around and saw you standing there, waiting for him.


    Mark awoke a little later than he planned. He cursed under his breath, and fumbled out of bed. His legs tangled with the bed sheets, resulting in him flailing to the wooden floor below him. He grunted as he laid on the ground, tangled up in the sheets. Shit, shit, shit, he thought. He kicked them off his legs and ran to his dresser. He quickly pulled on a red T-shirt, and blue jeans. He slipped on his blue sweatshirt, and shoved on his vans. He grumbled as he brushed his teeth and ran through his messy hair. He frantically threw his stuff into a decent sized suitcase and pushed his glasses on his face. He gave Chica a short and sweet hug and kiss, running to his car. He threw his luggage into the back, pulling out of the drive. He let out a long sigh, trying to calm his pounding heart. He kicked himself for not setting an alarm, and only hoped he could still make it. With some brisk walking and multiple curses under his breath, he made it to board the plane with just seconds to spare.

   He sat down in his seat, taking a deep breath. He felt his phone vibrate, making him pull it out of his pocket. He checked his messages, seeing one from you.

   "Hope you have a great day, can't wait to see you again. :-)."

He smiled widely and chuckled, shaking his head. Little does she know, that is about to become a reality, he thought happily. He put his phone away, sitting back in his seat. He looked out the window, watching the wold become smaller and smaller. He looked out at the many patches of fields and grass. I wonder what (Y/N) is doing?, Mark thought curiously. He could only imagine how your face was going to look when he knocked on your door. He smiled to himself, settling into the seat more and closing his eyes. The two lovebirds didn't even notice their plane crossing each other as they flied through the sky.

Little did they both know how they would react when they come to see that..both of their houses are empty.

(Hey guys! This will be a two part, so get ready for Part two!)

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