Mud Fight

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! So, I saw how much you guys loved the Fluff chapter of you and Mark. I'm so glad you liked it, and I hoped I did okay. Did I do good? Well, after this chapter I will do the JackXReaderFluff that you guys have requested also. This is just something to space out those chapters so they don't all run together. Enjoy lovelies.)

   You and Jack were currently staying at his friend's lake house. They all invited you two to come spend time with them over the summer, and you couldn't be more happier to agree. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the warm breeze was blowing. The lake glittered like crystals as the sun's rays shined upon it. You could hear Jack's loud laughter as they all hung out by the dock.
   "I dare you! Jump in!" One of his friends shouted to him, nudging him towards the edge of the dock. He shoved his buddy away and chuckled as he distanced himself from it. You headed quickly down the hill towards them, watching Jack. He shrugged off his T-Shirt, exposing his pale chest underneath. You were quite enjoying the view from here.
   "Oh my gosh! I think I'm blind! God damn, the sun is reflecting off your skin." Your friend giggled, shielding her eyes. The group bursted out into laughter as he flipped her off and struck a pose in front of all of them. You gasped a little when your toes sunk into the cool mud. You enjoyed the feeling as an idea popped into your head. The others have spotted you, but you held your finger to your lips to silence them.
   You scooped a handful of the squishy mud in your hand, quietly walking over to him. Jack was standing in front of the dock, telling a joke about Mark to them when he went to Pax Prime. Your friend looked over and covered her mouth to keep from ruining the plan. The others kept him turned around as you got closer and closer.
   "That's the story of how Mark almost fell on m-AHHHHH HOLY BLUE BALLS!" Jack cut off his sentence with a loud scream as the mud splattered all over his back. It was an icy cold chill that ran down Jack's spine. He jumped around, smearing the mud over him and flinging it around. The others squealed as some of it landed on themselves. Jack spun around and glared at you, a smile tugging at his lips. He bent down, scooping a glop of mud as well.
   "Oh, so this is how it's going to go, Lass? Well I'll have you know I'm a pro at th-" He was once again not able to finish as a ball of mud flew onto his chest. You burst out with laughter as he let out a girlish squeal and wiped it off his chest. He launched his handful over to you, smearing it over your stomach. The cool mud made goosebumps ripple over your skin. You giggled and started flinging mud to him and your friends.
   "THIS MEANS WA-...wait! Okay...THIS MEANS WAR!" Your friend shouted, stopping to blare some intense and dramatic music on her speaker, before continuing her war cry. That's when the mud fight started. All of you scattered this way and that, mud flying into our hair, on your skin, and slapping against your back. You wiped the tears from your eyes and held your aching stomach. Only then did you notice a fluff of green hair sprinting at you.
   "GET AWAY! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!" You screamed, trying to outrun your boyfriend. He smirked as he closed in on you. In one swift motion, he had you in his arms. You saw that he was heading towards the dock, and started hitting him in the chest. He almost dropped you, slipping on the mud that painted the deck. Your friends cheered for Jack as he stopped at the edge, his toes curling around it. You have him a stern look, mud sliding down your face.
   "Remember, I love you." He said, a grin plastered on his face. You opened your mouth to protest, but he had already let go. You splashed into the warm water, shooting up to gasp for air. You snorted and laughed as one of his friends shoved him in with you. Jack screamed and dived into the water. Everyone else followed with huge splashed or cannonballs. Jack resurfaced by your side, grabbing you gently and pulling you towards him. You climbed on his back, your arms gently around his neck.
   "I do believe the girls win." Your friend stated, high fiving all the girls in the water. The boys disagreed, but didn't push it once they saw a few of them with mud balls still in their hands. Jack craned his head towards you and pressed his wet lips against yours. You slipped off his back and faced the front of him so you could deepen that sweet kiss. You two pulled away and smiled at each other. You giggled when you watched Jack pull a clump of mud out of his hair.
   "Yeah, girls defenitly win." You stated simply, kissing his cheek before swimming underneath the water. You two spent the rest of the day in the water with your friends, and with each other where you stole little kisses and were given piggy back rides.  

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