Jack Fight #2

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   It was around 2:00A.M, when Jack strolled through the door. He wasn't drunk surprisingly, in all honesty he couldn't. Hours he spent with his friends kicking himself for all the things he started and said. When he got into the heat of the moment, he couldn't stop himself from what he would say. He was only able to down a couple beers, he felt too guilty to come home early.
   So he stayed with his friends until the sun was just coming up, and then decided to come home. He looked around, not being able to see you. He yawned, his whole body aching of exhaustion. He now realized how stupid he was, and how ridiculous all of this was. He spotted you walking down the hallway, running your hands through your hair and typing frantically on your phone.
   He felt his stomach drop as he remembered all the unanswered calls and texts you had sent him throughout the night. You were shaking, mumbling quickly and sniffling here and there. You had the phone up to your ear when you turned the corner and spotted him by the door. You breathed a sigh of relief and ran to him. You wrapping him in a hug and started to cry.
   "I-I'm so sorry Sean. I didn't m-mean anything. I'm sorry, I thought you were hurt." You cried, breathing in his scent and a hint of alcohol. Sean felt his heart break at the thought of how worried and scared you were last night. He hugged you back and spent almost an hour apologizing and begging you to forgive him. You both said what was needed, and forgave him. 
   When you told him you didn't sleep last night because of him, he almost burst out crying. So, with gentle hands, he pulled you upstairs and to your room. He let out a long sigh and pulled his clothes off sluggishly. The effects of sleep loss was really hitting him now that the adrenaline and booze was gone.
   "Let's never do this again." Sean whispered, wiping his eyes and pulling you extra close to him. You nodded instantly, planting kisses all over his delicate face. He chuckled like a little kid and eagerly locked your lips with his. He slipped in a few apologies here and there, but you were just glad he was okay.
   "I believe we both have some sleeping to catch up on." You said, rubbing his stomach and kissing his forehead. He yawned and pushed your head down onto his chest. Agreeing, he snuggled closer and got comfortable. You began to hear his snores, and smiled at him. 
   You grabbed his hand softly, intertwining it with yours. Closing your eyes, you left one more kiss on his chest before falling asleep next to the love of your life.

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