Special Night

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"Come on! It'll be fun! Plus, Sean will get to see a side of you never seen before!" Your best friend exclaimed, dragging you into your room. You nervously sat down on the bed while she grabbed her ridiculous gigantic bag of makeup off the counter. You grimaced at the sight of so much and made a face.
"Don't make that face at me! I think it's a great idea! I never get to see my best friend all dressed up and looking all sexy! This is our chance, he's gone until tonight! This gives us plenty of time to get you all ready for the date!"
It was you and Jack's one year anniversary and he was planning to take you out to somewhere romantic. He wouldn't tell you where, he just said to be ready at a certain time. Your friend heard everything and instantly thought of doing a makeover.
Now, you weren't the girl who slapped makeup on her face every day and wore flashy clothes. You were the jeans and sweatshirt kind of girl, Jack never saw you in anything else before. You were hoping to keep it that way but..that obviously wasn't going to happen.
"Now, shut up because I already know what your going to say. Stay still and this will be a painless process." You grumbled under your breath as your friend started on your face. You grunted whenever she put on lipstick or eyeliner to you. You were NOT enjoying any of this.
"Okay, now your hair!" She squealed, taking a look at your face. She wouldn't let you look in the mirror, keeping you turned to the wall. She clapped her hands together and took your hair down from the pony tail it was in. She dug around your dresser for a straightener and eventually found it.
"(F/N) I do-" You were immediately cut off as your friend gave you a look. You bit your tongue and glared at her with your arms crossed. She patted your head and began to straighten your hair. After an hour of finally getting the last of the strands straightened, she styled your hair the way she wanted. You stay there, uncomfortable and fussy, while she walked into your closet.
"Ugh, you have nothing! All there is, is ripped jeans and long sleeves! Too much flannel and sweatshirts! Where are the clothes that actually make it look like a girl lives here!?" She complained, throwing her hands in the air. You raised your hands up in surrender and rolled your eyes.
"AHA! Jackpot!" Your friend pulled out an outfit you had completely forgot about. It was a black dress that came just above your knee in waves. It tied around your neck and left an open back. It was snug fitting, but not too much, the way you liked it. You felt your face turn red at the thought of Sean seeing you in that. Your friend squealed once more and helped you into it.
"Oh my god..OH MY GOD!" You sighed as your friend started freaking out as you turned around to let her look at you. She pulled you to the mirror and watched your expression turn to shock as you looked at the person inside the glass.
Your (H/C) hair came down to your waist in straight strands, your side bangs hanging slightly in your face. The dress clung to you and formed to your body shape. The makeup your friend had down had been a black winged eyeliner with light brown and black eyeshadow on top. Your lips were colored with a soft pink and lightly tinted with red. You blushed even harder as you realized you liked how you looked.
You were self conscious about your whole look, Sean definitely wasn't going to expect this. You rubbed the back of your neck and took a deep breath. You ended up hearing a car door slam outside, and knew it was Sean. Your friend gave you a big smile and a quick hug before scurrying out the back door.
"Tell me EVERYTHING!" She whispered before slipping out the door and disappearing. You heard your boyfriend's voice boom out after he had closed the front door. You heard his footsteps lead to the hallway, down to the bedroom.
"Babe? Lass? Where are yer? Are you ready to go? I can't wait ta show you!" He said in excitement, you heard a smile in his voice. You told him where you were and waited for him to open the door. Your heart pounded as you saw the door knob start turning. You quickly slipped on your converse, knowing your friend would kill you for putting them on if she was here.
"Are you ready ta g-" Jack's eyes widened and his mouth nearly dropped open as he looked at you. You smiled shyly at him and rubbed your arm. You looked at the ground, your smile wavering. You turned in a small circle, your hands held out to the side. You heard footsteps lead to you and his hands on your face. You looked up and watched his eyes look over every detail on your face.
"You look so..so...beautiful...wow.." He said in admiration. He smiled at you and you smiled back. His bright blue eyes locked with yours and he quickly pulled you into a kiss. You guys made your way outside and he took your hand as you walked down the road. It didn't take long to get to where he wanted to take you. Before you could go out to an opening, his hands covered your eyes. He carefully lead you into the field and you heard a quiet string of music playing.
When he slowly let his hands fall, you gasped and covered your mouth. He had large blankets covering the ground, a basket of food and a computer laying by it. A small pile of movies laid beside it, a radio playing slow music was on the ground by the blanket. Jack even took the time to string a couple white lights on the tree limbs above them.
"Do you like it?" He asked quietly, waiting for an answer. You practically tackled him, your tight hug answering his question. He chuckled happily and hugged you back. You felt your heart swell at the beautiful scene and you spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching movies, Sean telling you over and over how much you meant to him. Also, sharing the sweet and loving kisses you two loved to give each other oh so much..

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