Valentine's Day

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! One of my lovely readers gave me a great idea. They said that I should do a Jack and Mark's POV! GENIUS! Why didn't I think of that!? I probably won't do this a lot though, only sometimes. XD)

   ~Mark's POV~

   Today was going to be a great day! It was Valentine's Day, and I had plenty planned for (Y/N). I walked down the hallway into our bedroom, seeing (Y/N) still sleeping under the covers. Her beautiful hair was covering her face, her hands cradled under her head. She let out cute little snores, her body shifting from time to time.
   "My Little Angel." I whispered, making my way to the bed and gently laying next to her. My fingertips grazed her forehead as I cleared her face of her hair. Her little nose scrunched up, but she remained asleep. Sometimes she was just too adorable to handle. I slid my arms underneath her and picked her up. Her eyes fluttered open to that gorgeous (E/C) I loved so much.
  "Hey baby." I said with a large smile, my lips kissing her forehead softly. She let out a grunt and rubbed her eyes, looking around. Eventually she smiled back, giggling. I set her in a chair at the table and grabbed the flowers and chocolate I had bought earlier this morning. Her eyes went wide and she smiled even wider as she thanked me.
   "Now, I have everything planned out today for us. It's going to be a lot of fun." I said, seeing (Y/N) practically jump in her seat from excitement. I chuckled and set a plate of pancakes down for the two of us. We spent breakfast talking about everything, but I didn't pay much attention. I was too busy staring at (Y/N) perfect little imperfections. Like when she snorted when I told her a joke, or how she twirls her fork around in her hand when she's talking, or even when she absentmindedly bites her bottom lip.
   "I love you." I state simply, watching that familiar blush crawl across her cheeks. She said it back, her eyes shining. After breakfast was done, we began to start our busy day. First, we went to the local pool, spending a couple hours swimming and having fun. I can't deny that I was a bit distracted when she came out in that bathing suit. She was so beautiful. Afterwards, we made it to a movie and then dinner.
   We had fun flinging paper wads over at the next table. Once that was done, we finally settled watching the sunset from outside of our house. It was a beautiful array of orange and yellows, whites and golds. Our hands were intertwined and her head was resting on my shoulder. I could hear her quiet breathing, her fingers trailing up my arm.
   "I love you so much, (Y/N)."
    "I love you too, Markimoo." I chuckled at the nickname she had given me. I Leaned over and took her by surprise by capturing her lips with mine. It didn't take long for her to kiss me back. It was a perfect moment,with a perfect girl. I don't think even Cupid had to help with this kind of love.

(I am very sorry if this sucks, I am very tired XD)

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