Just Thinking

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   The sun shined through the trees and spilled spots of golden light on the grass. The warm breeze drifted through the people, ruffling hair and blowing around flower petals. It was a beautiful day, the perfect day for your friend's wedding. You and Mark were attending the wedding, and you couldn't be happier. Mark brushed his hand across your exposes shoulder, kissing your cheek.
   "You look stunning." Mark whispered in your ear, causing you to blush. You and Mark were currently seated in a chair, waiting for the bride to walk down the aisle. You looked over at him, letting your eyes wander. They skimmed over his bright red hair, neatly combed and off to one side. His crisp tuxedo showed his built form, his tie a bit crooked.
   "You are so handsome." You whispered absently, reaching over to quickly fix his tie. He chuckled and held your hand, kissing your knuckles. You looked around at the smiling faces, the giddy giggles and the teary eyes from loved ones. You stared at her soon to be husband, nervously waiting at the end of the aisle. He was smiling from ear to ear, dabbing lightly at his forehead with a cloth.
   He looked so happy and nervous at the same time, that it made you all the more happier. Mark stared with you, his eyes thoughtful. Soon, the music started playing and everyone stood up. With Mark's arm around your waist, you two watched your friend walk down the aisle. She looked breathtaking as her brilliant white dress swept the floor.
   You started to tear up as you two made eye contact. You blew her a kiss, wiping away a tear. She caught it, winking at you and taking a deep breath before passing with her father. Her dad wiped away a tear and kissed her on the cheek. When they both were standing in front of the each other, you could feel the love for miles. Your heart exploded into happiness as they made their speeches and kissed each other.
   "They look so in love." Mark said happily, gripping your hand tighter. You felt his stare on you as you two made it to your friend. With hugs and kisses all around, you squealed happily. Mark was captivated by you as you stood there talking to her. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about you walking down the aisle, and you in a beautiful white dress.
   Once the party was all over, Mark pulled you outside for some privacy. He held you gently and pulled you into a soft and tender kiss. It left you breathless and red in the face. You giggled, but he was smiling so big that you stopped. He kissed you several more times.
   "I couldn't stop thinking about us,(Y/N). I could see you in a stunning white dress. I could see me nervously waiting for your beautiful self to walk to me. Just the thought of being with you forever...it makes me so happy." You covered your mouth and teared up. Hugging him tightly, you agreed as well.
"Well, maybe we won't have to wait for long."
Those words made Mark light up more than you've ever seen him before. Maybe it wouldn't be long, you thought.

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now