Rainy Night

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    You heaved a sigh, finally being able to relax after a long day at work. You had to deal with shouting clients, stupid bosses, and mounds of paperwork before you could rush home. You rubbed your eyes and let out a yawn. You looked outside, seeing raindrops splatter on your windows.
    A flash of lightning lit up the world around you, followed by booming thunder that crackled in the sky. The wind howled outside, making tree branches tap or thrash against the glass. You grabbed a blanket and made yourself comfortable on the couch. Before you could start your movie, you heard a knock on your door.
    It was rapid and urgent, making your stomach churn with worry. Nobody needed to be out in this storm. You hurried to the door in your fuzzy pants and long-sleeves, opening the door. Your heart hurt at the sight.
    It was your boyfriend, Jack. He was standing on your porch, shivering like a leaf. Water dripped off of his face, his clothes soaked and clinging to his body. His green hair was now plastered to his head, his teeth chattering. His eyes were red and bloodshot, like he had been crying.
    "Sean!? Come in, your going to catch a cold!" You exclaimed, letting him inside before rushing to get him a towel. You could hear the squeak of his shoes before he took them off and gladly accepted he towel. He started wiping his face off, his breathing hitched and shaky. Aside from the droplets that were falling from his chin, there were fresh one making trails down his cheeks.
    You quickly threw your arms around him, watching him break down in your arms. He sobbed in your shoulder, trying to talk but ending up getting choked up. You shushed him, rubbing his back in a comforting way. After awhile, he finally calmed down and pulled away.
    You noticed your clothes were now cold and soaked as you led him to the couch. You got him coffee, the kind he liked, and handed it to him. He wrapped his fingers around the mug, bringing it close to his trembling lips. He sighed, looking down at the ground. He took small sips from the drink, relishing the warmth it brought him.
    "M-My parents...t-they...I-I'm alone..." He whimpered, the tears soaking his face once again. You were still very confused as he set the mug down and laid his hands limply in his lap. You crawled over to him and gently wiped the tears away. His skin was cool to the touch, making you rub his arms to get friction.
"T-They had enough of me....I-I....They kicked me out." Your mouth dropped open am when the words left his mouth. You couldn't believe he was forced out of his own home into this weather. You teared up and hugged him tightly, feeling him tighten around you. You did your best to calm him as another round of sobs came on.
Sean's cries were the most heart wrenching sounds you ever heard from somebody. Finally, after a few minutes of just crying, he sniffled and pulled away. You kissed his cheek and brought your hand to his face. You were going to take care of him now, you weren't letting him go through this alone.
"You know what, baby? I think it's time for you to move in with me. I still have an extra room if you wanted one by yourself, or you can have my room with me. All we would have to do is go over there tomorrow and get all your equipment and luggage. I'm here for you Sean, you aren't alone. You got me." You said to him gently, curling your fingers around one of his hands.
He gasped and tackled you with hugs and tears, kissing your face and thanking you over and over again. You two had talked about moving in together, but never really thought about when to do It. Now definitely seemed the time to act.
You got Sean a few of his clothes he had left at your house the night before and laid with him on the couch. You listened to every word he said as he explained the fight and what had happened. You hugged him through the tears and kissed them away to make him feel better. With your words, he was getting better as the night went on.
Your heart pounded with joy at the thought of your Irish boyfriend moving in, not having to ever say goodbye..but only goodnight.

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