Happy Easter!

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! I hope you all have a very good Easter that is filled with candy and sugar! Have a good day lovelies!)

The sun finally decided to show through the clouds, bringing sunshine and warmth with it. You weren't going to waste a second of it as you and Jack made your way to your family's Easter party. You ran a hand through Jack's hair, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt and fixing his collar. He chuckled and kissed you on the cheek, making your way to the backyard.
"It is such a lovely day!" You said happily, feeling the sun caress your skin. You sighed in content as you two sat down and spoke to your family. You looked over at Jack multiple times, seeing him smile lovingly back at you. His hand found yours and he held it gently. You two watched the little kids go on an egg hunt.
A little girl ran up to you, holding on a shiny green egg, with Septic Sam drawn in the middle. You smiled at her in confusion as she laid it in your hand. She giggled and looked at Jack before slipping away to go find more eggs. You looked over at Jack, who smirked and shrugged at you. You carefully opened it to find a small slip of paper inside. Smoothing it out, you saw the words, "I Love You.", written in cursive lettering.
You smiled at Jack, but more than one egg fell into your hand. Kids would run up to you and place them in your lap before running off again. Your smile got bigger and bigger as you read each and every slip of paper.
"Your Amazing."
"My Little Book Worm."
"Baby Girl."
"Your a blessing."
"My Girl."
You gushed at the words and reached over to hug him tightly. He chuckled and pulled you into a kiss before leading you to where the kids were. The group of kids squealed and laughed at the candy they had received, but calmed down as you two reached them.
The parents smiled knowingly at you and the kids giggled secretly. You looked around confused, they must have planned this. A little boy and girl walked up to you, both holding a jar full of different colored paper. It was wrapped in several bows from the kids, and plenty of sparkles and glue.
"I wanted to do something special for our first Easter together, and the kids wanted to help make it happen. I wanted this to be special." He said, wrapping an arm around your waist. You teared up and grabbed the jar, turning it around.
   "Why I Love You..." Was written in his sloppy handwriting, hearts and smiles all around the glass. You opened it, pulling out a random card. There were more than a couple dozen shoved into the jar. It made your heart swell with love and your eyes water.
   You hugged him tightly, kissing him several times on the lips. "Why I Love You." "Why You Make Me Happy." "How I Fell In Love With You." "When I First Saw You." All of these were scrawled in front of the cards. You wiped your eyes and hugged the jar close.
"Happy Easter, Baby Girl."

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