Doctor (Y/N)

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(A/N: hey lovelies! So, many of you had suggested to do another Doctor one. Some had wanted one where you are the doctor, and Sean is the patient. Enjoy!)

   You sighed as you looked down at your clipboard, the sound of your pen sketching along the lines. You snapped it shut, moving into the hospital room where your patient laid. He looked up sleepily, smiling a little at you. He was one of your favorite patients, you two had become close. He's been here for a total of 6 months; after a horrible car accident. It left him numb from the waist down, he hasn't been able to walk since.
   You have done three surgeries on him so far, each one showing more progress than the one before. He was a sweet and funny guy, even in his situation. He had bright green hair that always was ruffled up and tousled. What pulled you to him was his bright blue eyes. Like crystal shimmering in the sunlight. You Chris his moniter, blood pressure, and vital signs to make sure everything was in check.
   "I know your tired, darling, but you have to get in your excersize. Your progress is getting better and better, I promise we will get you walking before next year." You said, patting his arm comfortingly. He sighed and smiled, nodding. He yawned and stretched his arms, his legs lay heavy and paralyzed underneath the blankets. He always got frustrated in his therapy, and always ended up giving up. You talked him back into it though, you two had a special connection.
   "Alright, Jack, let's get going. I'll help you into your wheelchair." You said, snaking one arm underneath his waist. He grunted and pushed himself up and swung his body to the side of the bed. He breathes heavily as he forced his body to stand up, his legs instantly collapsing under the weight. Jack cried out, but you caught him just in time. Once you had sat him into the wheelchair, his face contorted in pain. You squeezed his shoulders and wheeled him out, listening to him grumble.
   "This is never going to work. I mean, look at me. I flip around like a fish for pete's sake! How attractive is that!?" You chuckled at his dark humor and wheeled him into the therapy room. He looked at the two bars in the middle of the room and sighed. There was another nurse there, ready to help. You got Jack upright and holding tightly onto the bars.
   "Alright, just like yesterday. Take it slow, don't push yourself too much. One foot in front of the other." You said soothingly, watching his knees shake. He gritted his teeth and slowly dragged one foot in front of his other. He cringed, but continued doing it until he was at a steady pace. His muscles bulged and sweat poured down his face. When he made it to the end, he leaned against the bars. He was breathing heavily, and his arms were trembling.
   He plopped down in the wheelchair, catching his breath. You clapped for him and sent him a wink and a smile. He blushed and smiled back, running his hand down his leg. It turned silent when he started grunting and focusing on his leg. You watched in fascination as his toes slightly wiggled. Jack gasped and looked up At you with wide eyes.
   "It's not much bu-.."
   "No, Jack. This is amazing, it's a great start."
You cut him off, staring At him and smiling warmly. He chuckled his bubbly laugh and his eyes started shining. He wiped tears away from his eyes as you put him back into his hospital bed.
   "Maybe when I can walk, I can too properly ask you to dinner." The comment caught you off guard as you handed him his food. Your face turned scarlet as you giggled and walked out of the room. A doctor with a patient? The thought stuck in your head weeks afterwards. You helped him in therapy, his legs moved more and more, and his happiness seemed to bubble over each day. He never mention the date again, but you started to see him in a new light.
   Finally, one afternoon you were running errands and patients all day, not getting to check on him that much. You ran your hands through your hair, feeling exhausted.
   "Dr.(Y/N)? Dr.(Y/N). You are needed in the therapy room. Come this instant." Your breath caught in your throat as you jogged to the room, quickly slipping inside. You saw Jack sitting in his wheelchair, a nurse behind him. They both smiled at you, but you were focused on Jack.
   "What's wrong!? Is everything okay?" You asked, catching your breath. Jack nodded and held his finger up, making you wait for his answer. You were about 2 feet from him, a good walking distance. Your mouth dropped open when he stood up..on his own. He had a huge smile plastered on his face as he took a few shaky steps towards you. Tears ran down both of your faces as you watched him slowly make his way towards you. You cried out, smiling so big it hurt. After a few minutes, he had reached you, his hands shaking.
   He gently grabbed your hands, his knees trembling but stable. He breathed in quick gasps, letting out little sobs. You squeezed his hands tightly, looking into his eyes. He let out a laugh and smiled. Bringing your hand up to his mouth, he placed a kiss on your knuckles.
   "I've waited 6 months for this to happen. I wouldn't let down that promise I told you a few weeks ago. Now that I can walk...can I take you to dinner?" He didn't even need to ask as you wiped the tears away from your face and pulled him into a gentle hug.

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