Zombocolypse Part 2

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You blotted Mark's face gingerly, staining the cloth in your hand. You and the guys have been traveling for over a week, the evacuation center was just a few mere miles away. Mark had injured himself when you ran into a group of zombies. You sighed and wiped at a splotch of blood smeared on your cheek. Zombie killing tended to be messy business. He winced slightly, looking around at the carnage and corpses scattering the streets.
You got to know the guys pretty well in the week you have been with them. In the end, they we're just a group of silly immature boys in a cruel cruel world. They warmed up to you almost immediately, and you were grateful for that. Felix cursed in Swedish as he kicked an empty can across the road. Cry pulled his mask halfway up so he could scratch at his chin.
   "Why does Cry always wear that mask?" You muttered to Mark, cleaning up the rest of the blood caked into his skin. He looked over at Cry, giving him a smile and a small wave before turning back to you. Jack kept his axe raised high as he walked the perimeter, cautiously checking the area out. The sun was going down quickly, sending yellow and orange rays across the sky.
   "He just doesn't like to show his face. The mask makes him feel safe and we don't question it. He takes it off sometimes, but only if he is comfortable with it. Alright guys, let's get a move on!" We all moved down the road, picking off the Walkers and moving as fast as my swollen ankle would allow.
   "What do you miss most?" Mark said to you, his warm brown eyes shimmering. You pondered about that for a moment, but of course you already knew what you missed dearly.
   "My family..." You said quietly, causing everyone to look over at you. You felt Mark grab your hand gently. You smiled at him, feeling his thumb rub across your hand. After hours of conversation and fighting, you had finally arrived at a metal gate.
   You were going to go insane if you had to stare at another torn and ragged corpse lunging at your throat. Cry punched his fist in the air and cheered, the other guys joining in. You grinned, looking in the distance to see a few faces. You suddenly heard something, it was small but you heard it.
   You turned around, squinting your eyes. Once it came into view, your mouth dropped open. Dozens upon dozens of Walkers shambles towards the gate. The eruption of moans made your skin tingle and your heart want to explode out of your chest. You shrieked and shoved Mark and Jack towards the fence. Felix and Cry were already scrambling up the gate, slipping and trying to find their footing.
   "CLIMB! CLIMB! CLIMB!" Jack shouted, halfway to the top. Felix and Cry held their hands out for you and Jack, pulling them to sit on top of the gate. You bent down to reach a hand towards Mark, but they never grasped. He gasped as his foot was clamped down by the hands of a Zombie. Several more gripped on, his fingers slipping.
   "NO! YOU ARE NOT DYING ON MY WATCH!" You shouted, forcing yourself to bend lower to reach his hand. He let out a terrified scream, tears running down his face. The monsters below snapped their teeth and yanked at his foot. He looked up desperately at you, only a few fingers holding on. His arm shook with the force he was using to hold on.
   Just his fingers let go, you groaned and stretched farther, finally gripping onto his wrist at the last second. With great force, you pulled Mark as hard as you could, the zombie's grip loosening. You helped him over the fence, where all of you fell to the dirt. You all laid on your back, breathing hard and trying to stop from shaking.
   You looked over to see a group running over to aid you guys. You let out a tired laugh, looking over at Mark. Cry and Felix fist bumped, Jack helping everybody up and hugging them tightly. Jack hugged Mark extra tight.
   "Mark! Don't ever scare me like that again!" He said, giving you a hug and smiling in relief. You gripped Mark's hand, smiling widely at him. You all were finally safe.
"Your not dying on my watch." You repeated, feeling him squeeze your hand back. You looked at everybody in your group. In just a week, you had found a new family to call your own. Mark, Jack, Felix, and Cry gladly accepted you with open arms. You were going to protect each other no matter what, and kick some Zombie ass while doing it.
"Zombie Squad Unite!" Cry cried out, patting you on the back. You thought about it, you could get used to that team name.

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