Life Is Strange Part 2

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    You two arrived at his house, minimal conversation being held in the truck. You told him a little bit about you, he told you a little bit about him. He referred to his step father as a "Step-Douche", and you realized he was the Head Security in the college, David Madsen. You couldn't blame him for acting this way towards his step-father. You've seen David and how he acts around school.
   He was a very paranoid and rude man to the students. Mark quickly hopped out of the truck and motioned for you to follow inside. You hesitated by the car door, biting your lip. You didn't usually enter a random Guy's house everyday. Mark looked back at you and rolled his eyes, a smirk kissing his lips.
   "Look, (Y/N), I'm not going to kill you or anything. You want to fix your camera or not? Plus, it's hella hot out here. Move your ass." You chuckled a little and nodded, finally following him inside. It was a large place, a nice place. It was quiet inside the house, giving you the answer that it was just you and Mark.
   Mark trudged up the stairs, his black boots thudding against the carpet. You followed him in his room, your stomach still churning. He ran a hand through his bangs and let out a deep sigh. He threw himself on the bed and relaxed. You stood there awkwardly before he looked up.
   "Ah, shit right. Uh, I think some of those tiny tools might be on my desktop. My dad gave me a camera when I was little. Look over there, while your at it, put on some music." He said, reaching over to grab a cigarette. You watched him light it and put it between his lips, breathing in the deadly smoke. You were fascinated as it curled around his lips and vanished into the air. You snapped out of it, and turned towards the desktop.
   After a few minutes, you finally put back together your camera and had it working. You quickly picked a CD with skulls embroded on it. The speakers started blaring some rock song that made Mark nod his head along to the beat of. He snuffed out the cigarette before sitting up on his bed.
   "So, now that your little nerd camera is all fixed, why did you make Victoria so angry?"
   "I'm taking the same photography classes as her, and I'm good with a camera. The teacher, um Mr. Jefferson, seems to like me more than Victoria. You seem to know how she is, so yeah."
  "Ohhhh that Hipster Hottie everyone talks about? I gotta say, Mr. Jefferson does look pretty hot." He sent you a wink, causing you to giggle and blush. He played with his nose ring for a moment. That's when you noticed his tongue running over his snake bites he had on his bottom lip.
   "So, I've never seen you on campus before. Do you go to this one?"
    "Me? HA, no. I hate this place way too much to keep on going. I just skip a lot, they don't even think I'm part of the program anymore. Oops." He shrugged, smiling. You nodded, looking along the walls where hundreds of posters were taped up. Outside this room was pure and clean and neat, but inside here was another world. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by tires on gravel. Mark rushed to the window and groaned.
   "Shit, Step-Douche has just arrived. He's going to flip his shit if he finds out I've been smoking again. Plus, add a girl in my room and he just might try boarding school. So, uh hide." He stated, pushing open his window and trying to fan out the smoke smell. You widened your eyes as you searched for a place to hide. He turned down a his music a small bit and hid his cigarette bowl in a drawer.
  "Get in my closet!" Mark suggested in a hushed voice, hearing footsteps up the stairs. You rushed to the closet, but when you opened it, boxes obscured any chance of hiding. You
shut it, finally settling on cramming yourself in the corner of a dresser. You peeked your head out, seeing his door open. Mark was laying calmly on his bed.
   "Yes, Step-Douche?" Mark said, sarcasm dripping with every word. You looked up to see David glaring at his Step-Son. He was wearing his Security outfit, his bushy eyebrows knitted together from anger. He sighed, sniffing the air.
   "What have I told you about calling me that!? Have you been smoking again, I can smell it in the air. You can't fool me." Mark threw his hands up in the air and continued smirking at him as he stood up.
    "Nope, not even a roll yet. I don't know what your smelling, old man."
   "You know how your mother and I feel about drugs in this household, Mark. Please, work with me here." Mark scoffed and shook his head, glaring at David.
   "You talk like we're a family, David. That's hella funny. No, so get out of my life." He clenched his fists together, gritting his teeth. David suddenly looked very tired as he sent one last glare to Mark before turning and abruptly leaving his room. Mark chuckled and motioned for you to come out. You inched towards his window, hearing a heated conversation downstairs.
  "I think it'd be good if I left."
   "Yeah, he's really mad now. Looks like more lecture time for me, sweet."
   "I'm just gonna g-"
   "Hey, (Y/N), we should meet up again sometime."
    "Really? Well, yeah sure." You couldn't understand why your heart was pounding.
    "Where would you like to meet up again?"
   "How about a late night swim?"

(Part 3, lovelies?)

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