Break Down

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You were sad. That's all you seem to feel these days. Just..empty inside. You couldn't seem to make the best out of anything anymore. Mark did take notice, but he didn't see the big picture. You ate less, you worked more. You slept less, you cried more. You smiled less, you frowned more. Everything seemed to weigh you down.
Homework, test, quizzes, bullies, parents, just seemed to always stop you in your tracks. Everyday seemed to be a struggle to just get out of bed. You appreciated Mark trying to help, but he never really figured out what was wrong. So, you decided to keep it that way. finally had enough.
You were walking through the door, after hours of school and stress. You felt on the edge of a complete meltdown, but you were able to keep it at bay. What made you get pushed to the edge, was when your school bully decided to crush you with their words. The things they said played over and over in your head.
Mark was sitting on the couch, in his Markiplier Pjs and shirt, his pink hair fluffy and crazy like usual. The TV was playing in the background, but he was on his phone. He looked up once he heard the door open and smiled at you. You smiled back, hoping all the smudged mascara was wiped away.
"It's Friday! We can have all weekend to ourselves! You can finally play with me on this new horror game I got! The boys would love to play it with us tomorrow!" You felt better knowing you had him all weekend, and to be able to have fun with the others, the feelings just seemed to get worse.
"Um..y-yeah..that sounds awesome. I'm just..going to go get a shower and clean up." You said it as loud as you could, and hoped he didn't hear the crack in your voice. He didn't say anything back, so you quickly made it to the bathroom. You looked at your bag, bulging with homework and essays due.
"God damn it..." You whispered, letting the tears stream down your face. You sniffled and went into the bathroom, shutting the door. You leaned against the bath tub, and pulled your knees to your chest. Everything from today just ran through your mind, causing your tears to soak your face.
"God damn it!" You said a little louder, your breath hitched and shaky. You couldn't help the small sobs that made their way up your throat. You couldn't help the pain emitted inside your chest and your lungs. You didn't hear the door open, nor that Mark was standing there, staring at you.
"Oh, Y/N..." Mark whispered, helping you to your feet. At this point, you just limply followed his motions, keeping your head to the ground. Tears splashed onto the tile before Mark wrapped you up in his arms. You quickly hugged him back, your nails digging into his skin. You let more sobs rip out of your chest, causing them to wrack through your body. You started trembling and shaking which made Mark guide you to the bedroom.
"Shh..I'm right here. Baby, breathe. Let it out, I'm right here." His deep voice whispered in your ear, your face buried in his chest. Eventually, he forced you to look up at him, tears stains on his shirt. He gently wiped away the tears from your face and held your cheeks in his hands. You felt the warmth sink into your skin and let out a shaky sigh.
You felt weak and shaky, your eyes swollen and red. You sniffled again and intertwined your hands with his. He locked eyes with you and kisses your cheek. He pulled you on the bed and into his lap and just stayed like that for a couple minutes.
"Baby, you need to tell me these things. I didn't know you were feeling like this, now I feel like a complete ass. Baby please, you got to let me help. I hate to see you like this. Please baby.." He whispered to you, rubbing your back soothingly. You sniffed and nodded, wiping away the tears with your sleeve.
You honestly had felt better after this little moment and gave him a small smile. He smiled back to you and lifted your chin up. He softly brushed his lips against your, causing tingles to go down your spine.
"Your my everything, Y/N. I can't lose you, and it hurts to see you this way. Baby, I love you so much. Don't cry." You teared up at his words anyway, but in a good way. You nodded slowly at him and hugged him tightly. After you had calmed down, Mark made it his goal to make you happy all night.
"Come on beautiful, let's cuddle. I think you need a cuddle from Wilfered Warfstache!" He exclaimed, lowering his voice a little and puckering his lips at you. You giggled and nodded, pulling him downstairs where you both cuddled for the rest of the night watching movies and sharing sweet little kisses to eachother.

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