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(A/N:HEY GUYS! This is a requested imagine so I hope you lovelies enjoy! This is about Jackiboy and his lovely accent!
Requested by:JackaboyLover

"NO! NO! NO! NO! N-....well shit." You burst out laughing at Mark's outburst as he crashed into a building. You, Mark, Sean, and Felix we're currently playing GTA 5 together. It was just a causal day full of great friends and great games. You sat next to Sean, talking to him as Mark and Felix played around with the game. You didn't admit to anyone, but Sean was your closest friend.
You might have had a crush on him, but you could never bring it to yourself to tell him. Felix squealed and cussed the screen out in Swedish as he passed the controller over to Sean. He took a swig of beer and grabbed the controller. You swiped his hat from his head and placed it on yours. Chuckling, he continued playing.
"Okay, now I am BOSS at GTA. As you all know, I have the skills of a GOD! Now, I have ta find a car and run over some people." Mark chuckled at Sean's accent as he spoke. Mark then stood up and started doing an Irish dance, making Felix burst out in giggles. You rolled your eyes and held in a laugh as Mark smirked at Sean.
"Do ya need a ride, Jack?" Mark said in a horrible thick accent. Sean just shook his head and chuckled, flipping him off. Felix soon joined in later, chugging his can of beer and commenting on how he needed to find a pot of
Gold. It was enough to distract Sean, resulting in making his character explode in a helicopter. Having a huge hunk of mental run into the streets below wasn't exactly safe.
"DAMN IT! LOOK WHAT YA STUPIDS DID! This is the tird time I died!" Sean whined, grumbling as he passed the controller to you. Mark laughed loudly and patted him on the back.
"It sounded like you said turd." Felix whispered, making the two goofballs laugh that much harder. Sean smiled and flipped both of them off before flopping back on the couch beside you.
"Hey, don't feel bad. I actually have a quarter of Irish in me. That's why my accent slips out sometimes." You whispered to Sean, hoping he only heard it. A surprised look crossed his face, but he smiled at you and nodded. You heard someone cough, and looked up to be face to face with Mark.
"What did you say?" Mark said with an evil smirk on his face. You tried to keep a blank face as you shrugged and turned back to the game. You felt your cheeks heat up as Felix and Mark stared hard at you.
"Why, did I just hear we may have two leprechauns with us?" You giggled and stuck your tongue out at them. Your face continued to get redder and redder as they stabbed you with puns and leprechaun jokes. Sean nudged your shoulder and rolled his eyes.
"Between me and you...we are way cooler leprechauns then they will ever be." You nodded and giggled. As both Mark and Felix looked at you two, you and Sean grabbed your empty cans and launched them at their faces. You enjoyed seeing them scramble as they tried to dodge the flying cans.

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