When She Dances

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You shyly walked to an open space in the middle of the floor. With the sound of girls and guys talking around you, you began to stretch. You plugged in your earphones and concentrated. You were at dance practice, trying not to cause too much attention. After stretching, you stood up and changed the song to your solo.
You knew no one would be watching, but just to make sure you moved away from everybody to your own space. You took a deep breath and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had your hair held back with a band, your hair flowing down your back. You were wearing a comfy pair of leggings, and a long sleeve.
You got into your position, waiting for the music to trickle into your ears. Once the music started, you began to move. You didn't see how beautiful you looked when you danced, or how eye catching it could be. Alas, one man did when he walked into the studio.
"Little Do You Know how I'm breaking, while you fall asleep. Little Do You Know that I'm haunted by the memories." The words seemed to course through your veins and out through your fingertips as you painted a story into the air. You told the song through twirls and gentle leaps, letting your body twist and sway.
You didn't focus on anything else, your careful feet moving across the floor and your fingers poised with calmness. You started to spin up on your toes, your arms twirling around yourself as the song began to end. Before you could finish, you caught the eyes of a guy by the door. He was talking to your coach, but his eyes were locked on you.
Blushing, you turned off your music, and walked to get a drink. Still feeling his eyes on you, you heard footsteps come near. You turned to see the same guy, a gentle smile on his face. His blue hair was slightly in his face, his hands pushing it out of the way. He had the most softest brown eyes, and cheerful smile you've seen in awhile.
"I just wanted to say..wow.." He said to you, holding out his hand. You blushed deeper and shook it, feeling how warm and nice it felt with yours. You scratched the back of your neck nervously, looking at the ground.
"Your beautiful when you dance. Just the way you move, and the way you told the story..just wow. I'm sorry if this is awkward and I don't mean anything sexual..I mean you know..I...sorry." You giggled, nodding at him and offering a smile. He returned one back and before you could leave he tapped your arm.
"Um..I know this is weird and unusual...but can I have your number? Don't take this creepy..but when I watched you dance..your just so breathtaking. I'd love to know more about you." He stuttered, his chuckle making you fall harder for him. His face dusted with blush as he looked at you. You couldn't deny how adorable he was acting, and gave him your number.
"I would like to know you too." You said quietly, seeing him wink at you. After he left, you proceeded to go into the bathroom and squeal into your hands as you realized you had a date with an adorable man named Mark.

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