First, "I Love You." Mark

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    You giggled as Mark scrambled to get things packed and ready. You sat on the counter, watching him in amusement. Your bags was say neatly on the table. You and Mark decided to go to Kings Island today, to just be together and have a fun time.
   "You know, this would've been easier if you would have packed the night before." You called out to him, hearing him groan and grumble. You giggled and finally saw hm emerge from the hallway. His red hair was everywhere, his bag in his hands. You hopped off the counter and made your way to him. Running your fingers through his tangled hair, you managed to straighten it and make it look presentable.
   He was wearing a red and black T-Shirt with a red pullover, his blue skinny jeans, and his favorite shoes. He smiled sheepishly at you, kissing you on the cheek. You smiled at him and grabbed your own bag. You were wearing your beanie, a button up black and red flannel that was Mark's with a tank top underneath, your ripped skinny jeans, and converse.
   He grabbed your hand and pulled you out the door in excitement. You laughed as you both got in your car and headed to the amusement park. All through the ride, you both jammed out to music and basically had a dance off in the car. With many weird looks from passengers and even some joining in, you both finally made it to the amusement park. You noticed he has been very sweet to you lately, sweeter than usual.
   "Alright babe, let's go scream our heads off!" Mark yelled, causing you to laugh. You two paid for the tickets and eventually got in. He held your hand, whispering adorable and sweet things in your ear as you waited in line. Mark held your waist all the way to the actual ride. You then began to notice he was slightly shaking. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes told you a different story. You reached up and touched his cheek.
   "Are you okay? You seem nervous? Is it because of the ride?" He chuckled nervously and shook his head, grabbing your hand. He kissed your knuckles and smiled.
   "N-No, it's is nothing baby. Come on, let's ride!" You looked at him a couple more seconds before nodding and being pulled into the ride. You both sat to each other, being strapped in and buckled. He still seemed nervous even as they were counting down until they set you two off. The ride lurched forward, sending you quickly over a hill and a couple loops. You both were giggling and laughing all the way. Then, your car slowly started to climb to the top of a high hill.
   "(Y-Y/N?" Mark stuttered, trying to get your attention. You looked over, smiling at him. He reached over and took your hand in his, trembling slightly. You looked down and then back up at him. The car was seconds from the hill. He took a deep breath and smiled at you.
   "I wanted to tell you something. I've been waiting to tell you. You mean so damn much to me baby, I just can't wait any longer to tell you. I love you (Y/N), I love you so much." You took a minute to process what he had just said to you. His soft brown eyes locked with yours, desperately waiting for an answer. He just poured out his soul to you, something he hasn't done any girl. You started to tear up, but hastily wiped it away before smiling so big it hurt.
   "I love you too, Mark. I love you more than you will ever know." He smiled widely, his eyes widening and sparkling like the sun. He whooped and cheered, even as the ride plummeted down the hill. After the ride, you jumped off and into his arms, hugging him tightly. He chuckled and hugged you back, kissing your forehead.
   "Now that I finally have said it, I don't want to stop." His words made your heart flutter. You intertwined your hand with his and pulled him to the sidewalk. You leaned up and kissed his soft lips passionately. He looked so excited, like a little boy at a candy store.
   "God, I love you so much." He sighed.
   "I love you too, Markimoo. I love you too."

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