Flaming Hot

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! I am SO sorry that it's been 3 days since my last update! That is horrible of me and I apologize deeply for that! I've been super busy and hadn't had the time or the energy to update. Again I apologize greatly for this!)

   "So your not going to be home early?" Mark said through the phone. You sighed, looking around at your office. You were stuck at work for the day, a pile of assignments to get done before the deadline. You missed hearing Mark's voice, so you decided to call him on your lunch break.
   "No, I'm sorry honey. It'll be a little later before I'll be able to go home. I really wanted to get the day off so I could be with you." Mark could hear the disappointment in your face. He sighed as well, trying to cheer you up.
   "Well, as soon as you get home, we will get all comfy and cuddled up, and play that new horror game we bought. Then, I can get those lovely kisses of yours, and we can spend all night doing whatever you want." His voice was warm and soft, making you ache to be in his arms. You soon were saying goodbye to each other, laying your phone on the desk.
   After hours of paperwork and meetings, you were walking out the door to go home. You sat in your car, waiting for it to warm up. In the meantime, you checked your Instagram, and saw Mark had posted some pictures. The pictures showed him at the salon, the top of his head bleached and ready to get colored.
   "Soon?" You read aloud the caption below. You looked in confusion at your phone, Mark didn't tell you he had his hair dyed recently. You hurried home, getting out of your car and walking to the door. You heard music playing and a dancing Mark in the living room. You opened the door, peeking in before entering.
   "WELCOME TO ATTITUDE CITY!" Mark shouted, taking a selfie with his middle finger sticking at the camera. He was wearing a black shirt with jeans, his feet sliding over the floor. He chuckled, making faces at himself in the phone. Your eyes widened as you noticed the fiery red hair he had now acquainted.
   You cleared your throat, making Mark look over at you. He smirked, ruffling his hair up and posing. You giggled and clapped, you couldn't take your eyes off of the bold color.
   "My sexy little fire ball." You said, bursting out with laughter. He chuckled also, picking you up and kissing you. You ran your fingers through his now soft hair, grinning in the kiss. You pulled away, looking at him.
   "I was hoping to surprise you..but I think I did my job. I was hoping you wouldn't be coming home early so that I could be able to get it done. I needed a change, and I know how much you like red, so I thought I'd try it." You clapped and hugged him tightly, he did look quite good. He pecked your cheek, motioning towards the Tv and Xbox.
   "Now your sexy little fireball would like to continue this date we were planning to have tonight. So if you would please join me?" He held his arm out, which you hooked with your arm. You smiled, being pulled over to the couch.
   "Sexy little fireball, I like this nickname." He said, chuckling and pulling you in for another round of fiery kisses.

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