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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! I'm finally back from fair! I'm SO sorry for the extremely long wait I had to put you lovelies through. This is an imagine I've been wanting to do for awhile. Sooooo, let's see how this goes! ENJOY!)

    "Oh come on, (Y/N) it can't be THAT bad." Dean said, his hands curled around the steering wheel. You rolled your eyes and huffed, crossing your arms and looking out the window. You were at another school again, the fifth one this month. Dad was always on his hunting trips, always leaving you and Dean alone. You were always moving schools, and always ending up alone.
    "It is though, Dean! It's the same thing. Every damn time! I want to make friends, I want to stay at a school longer than just a few weeks! I hate it!" Dean smirked at you and ruffled your hair, making you hit him in the shoulder. He checked his hair in the mirror, pulling into the school parking lot. You hated always being the new kid in school, it was already hard enough to make friends.
    "Don't even worry about it. New school means new hotties, and you know I'm ALL about the new hotties." You scoffed at him and rolled your eyes, grabbing your bag. He parked his Impala in a spot, turning off the engine. He rubbed the headboard softly, complimenting his "baby" like he always did. You slammed the door, walking with Dean to the front doors.
    "Easy there, Tiger. That's my baby." Dean warned, bumping you with his shoulder. You both entered the school and got your schedules. He was a grade older than you, so he wasn't going to be with you all day. He walked down the hall, giving you a small wave before heading off to his first class. He was empty handed, as always. He didn't think there was a point in bringing anything if we were going to move before the semester ended anyways.
   With a deep breath and a tight hold of my books, I entered my first class. The day went by with the same awkwardness as always. You heard whispers about you as you passed by a few students, the familiar routine of being the new kid. You were headed to your locker when you got bumped into one of the football players. You yelped and dropped your books, all of them sprawling to the floor.
   "Watch it, Loser." The jock spit out, shoving you into a locker before walking past you. You sighed as you caught the several looks of onlookers, your face burning. You scooped up your things and continued on with your day. The jock you had bumped into had other classes with you, in which he made sure you knew. By the end of the day, you were picking out wads of paper and erasers in your hair.
   You sighed, packing your things and shutting your locker. You looked around and finally spotted Dean, who was currently flirting with a group of girls. They gawked at Dean as he smiled and winked at them. You shook your head, deciding to just walk home. Before you could make it to the door, you felt someone grip your shoulder.
   "Hey, Nerd. Looks like we have quite a few classes together. I can already tell this is going to be a wonderful year." The jock said, his blue eyes shimmering and his smile stretching. He chuckled and knocked the stack of books out of your arms once again. Another one of his friends pushed you backwards as he kicked your books away. They skidded down the hall as they snickered and left. You bit your lip to keep from crying hot tears as anger courses through you.
   You were always the one getting bullied at school, always the one who was never better than Dean. He's the one who got all the dates, all the popularity, all the friends. You were the one little sibling, the nerd, the lowlife. You clenched your fists as you collected your dirty books and walked out the door. You breathed in the chilly, Fall, air and briskly started to walk home. You spotted the shiny Impala in the parking lot, wishing you could be driving it.
    You kept your head down as you walked against the strong winds. Your mind was full of anger and hatred as your shoes crunched over the dead leaves scattered on the sidewalk. You stopped dead in your tracks, a thought popping in your head. You were tired of being pushed around, being the outcast, being the target for all the jocks.
    You remembered your father, John, talking to Dean about a Crossroads somewhere nearby. He said it was a place to make deals, any kind of deal. John had warned Dean strongly to NEVER visit it, nor try to. You were too fueled by anger to see any wrongness in your idea. So, with a new speed to your walk, you began to go down a dirt road. You started searching high and low for this "Crossroads."
   "Where the hell is it!?" You said angrily, kicking the dirt. You sent rocks flying in different directions as you cursed under your breath. The sun was lowering below the clouds, and you had a phone full of missed calls and texts from Dean. You lied through your teeth, texting Dean you had an after school study to do at the library.
    You continued walking until your shoes finally hit gravel. You looked up, seeing the moon full in the sky. You had been walking all day on the same dirt road, and now suddenly you were finally here. Fog wafted through the tree line and surrounded you in a wispy, white, wonderland. It was a four way dirt crossroad, empty and silent. You felt chills ripple all over you as your heart started pounding.
    You gulped and walked until you were in the middle of the four paths. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
    "H-Hello?" You whispered, your voice shaking. When nothing responded back, you opened your eyes and looked around. The jock from school popped into your head, making you clench your fists.
    "I need your help. I need to make a deal, now." You waited, perking your hearing to see if anything or anyone would come. You grumbled under your breath and kicked the dirt again. You ran a hand through your hair hastily, seeing the light from the sunset slowly start to melt away.
    "For fuck's sake, please! Where can I get somebody to help me!" You yelled, your voice cracking. You looked down at the ground, feeling defeated.
   "What's a sweet thing like you..doing in a dark place like this? I wouldn't think such words should be coming out of such a beautiful mouth." A voice called out, making you jump. You looked up, startled to see a man in the middle of the fog. He flashed you a white smile, taking a step towards you. Your mouth went dry and your heart jumped to your throat. You didn't actually think anything would happen, you just thought this was a story your father told Dean to keep him out of trouble.
    "W-Who are you?" You asked, your voice trembling. The man chuckled darkly, winking at you. His eyes flashed black, like two charcoal stones. He had bright green hair that was swept to one side, a blue beanie rested on his head. His smile was evil and cocky, his hands shoved in his jeans pockets. He had on a black leather jacked and dark blue jeans. He looked like any normal person, expect for the soulless, black color in his eyes.
    "I believe you summoned for me. You call, I respond." He said, his voice calm and deep. You gulped, feeling your fear spread through you. He walked slowly up to you, holding you in place with his eyes. He chuckled again, his eyes turning from black to green in seconds. They were unsettling, causing the hair on your body to stand up. You finally found your voice again, swallowing hard.
    "I want a few people to stop pushing me around. I'm tired of being bullied." The man nodded in thought, tapping his sharp fingernail on his chin. He walked closer, only a few inches away from you. Your mind was screaming at you to run, to use your special book, salt, holy water. You decided not to listen to it though, even though you knew damn well this was a demon you were messing with.
   "I see, I see. Poor little human getting picked on by the bigger people, right? Well, lucky for you, I have just the thing." He said, his lips turning into a menacing grin. You nodded, watching him reach his hand out. You were reluctant, so you kept your hands to your sides.
    "Now, now. Lass, I'm not going to hurt you. I can tell you're not stupid. I'm not tricking you, nor taking your soul. I don't need it. I want to help you..I just need to seal the deal." His Irish accent rang in his voice, causing you to look at him. He smirked and opened his hand up, waiting for you to accept it. You hesitated before placing your hand in his and letting him pull you to him. 
    "I'll help the weak, little, human with this..problem. I'll make them wish they were never born." You were frightened by how dark he had grown, but tried not to let him see. You knew how angry Dean would be if he found this out, but you wouldn't let him know. Jack laughed and gripped your chin, causing you to back away. He held you in place, shaking his head.
    "Don't leave so soon, Angel. I have to seal the deal. To seal a deal with a must be with a kiss. Cheeky I know, but rules are rules." He said with a smile, boring into your eyes. You tensed up, seeing no way to turn back now. You thought about how you would finally be able to go to school without being messed with. Maybe finally making friends and not being bullied by the popular kids. You nodded, leaning in a little.
   "That's a good human. I'm at your service, Angel. Your wish is my command." The way he said it made your skin crawl. You ignored the feeling and pressed your lips against his. The deal was made, the seal had been done. He pulled away, smiling down at you. Your mind was still wrapping around what had just happened.
    "Time for the fun to begin.."
You had just made a deal with a green haired demon.

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