Spring Time

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   You were beginning to grow tired of the harsh winter and chilling temperatures this year was brining you. Jack was equally irritated and ready for some sunshine. Finally, Spring had arrived. You woke up early this morning, expecting the chill of the morning air hit you. When it didn't, you smiled and quickly ran to the window.
   "FINALLY! FINALLY!" You shouted, slapping the window and giggling. You heard a gasp behind you, and then a thump. When you turned around, Jack was on the floor, his legs tangled with other blankets. You burst out laughing, leaning on your knees and snorting.
   "What the hell!?" Jack said groggily, managing to get up from the heap of blankets. His hair was messed up on one side, sticking up in different directions. You opened the curtain and smiled. He squinted his eyes, smiling at you once he saw the sun shining through.
   You slipped on your skinny jeans and tank top, practically sprinting outside. Jack quickly followed, pulling his shirt over his head as he went. You breathed deeply, smelling the fresh cut grass. You sighed loudly, you missed Spring so much. You felt so giddy that you started doing cartwheels and jumping around. Jack watched you in amusement.
   "My little book worm getting all excited, lass?" He called out to you, making you stop. He chuckled and plugged in his phone to a speaker outside. Once he pressed play, his music started blasting. You chuckled and started to jump around again.
   "WHAT YOU GONNA, WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH THAT DESSERT!?" You shouted along to the music, pulling at Jack's arm and making his arms dance around. He laughed harder and picked you up, spinning you around. You both sang along to the song as he set you back down. He was beginning to steal kisses from you when you least expected it.
   You he did adorable little things like hold you hand above your head and let you spin around, or sweep you off of your feet and silence you with his kiss, or randomly talk about how beautiful you were in the sunlight. By the end of the song, you both were red in the face but with the biggest smiles.
   "I get to spend Spring with you...now that's a great way to start Spring." You blushed, shoving Him playfully before kissing him. He ran a hand through your hair, moving it away from your face.
"My baby." You giggled, both of you laying down on the grass, your head on his shoulder. You nodded, kissing his cheek.
"My little Irishman." The nickname made his blush, which made it too adorable not to lean in for another kiss.

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