The Sketch Part 3

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! So I see how much you guys really like this imagine and that makes me so happy! You guys would really want me to make a fanfic out of this!? Wow, that means a lot to me. All of you guys are so wonderful.)

   "Just a few more minutes." Jack said softly, the sound of his pencil scratching against the paper. You nodded and continued looking at him, smiling at little at his concentrated face. He quickly sketched and before you knew it, it was done. He chuckled and turned the book over to show you. Once again, it was beautiful and captured everything about you.
   "I like drawing you because..your intriguing. Don't take this in a weird way please, I-I..your just someone I would really like to know." He looked down at the ground and held his notebook closer. You bit your lip and smiled, this is the most happy you've felt in awhile.
   "W-Wow...thank you..." You said quietly, causing him to lift his head. You quickly leaned in and gave him a tight hug. He didn't respond for a few seconds, but eventually wrapped his arms around you also and hugged back. When you pulled away, he looked into your eyes. You blushed and looked away, hearing loud laughter and voices from the cafeteria.
   "You know..your the first person who's talked to me so far." You looked at him, seeing his smile stretch. You didn't understand why no one wanted to talk to him. If you had more confidence, you knew you would've talked to him the first time he came.
   "Well, I'm really glad I did. I've been wanting to talk to you for awhile but.." You trailed off, seeing him nod and smile at you. You two spent the rest of lunch sitting together on the stairs and Jack showing you his drawings. When the bell rang, you didn't want to go to class. You didn't have many with him, and you worried about the jocks.
   So, with a single wave, you two went your separate ways and off to class. Five more hours of boring classes dragged on until the last bell rang out. Sighing in relief, you packed your things and slammed your locker shut. You rubbed your face, school was so tiring.
   "Awh, is that your little girlfriend now." A familiar voice spoke out, causing a few heads to turn, including yours. You looked at the same jock standing in front of Jack. The guy's finger was pointed at you and a huge smirk was plastered on his face. The other guys looked smug and content as they stood around him. Other kids just passed on by, others just stood and watched what was being unfolded.
   "Look, I don't want to start a fight or anything. Just leave me the hell alone."
  "Ooh, looks like he does have a voice on him." When he starts gripping the front of Jack's shirt, you decided to step in once again. You quickly pushed past the group that forming and walked over to the guy. He looked over his shoulder and smiled when he saw you.
   "Girlfriend comes to save the day..again." You rolled your eyes and shoved him away. He only went a couple inches but it was more than enough to get him away from Jack. Jack glared at him and stood next to you. His fists were clenched and he didn't look like the shy guy anymore.
   "Why don't you just turn around and walk away before you get to know how it feels to get my foot shoved up your ass." He snarled at the jock, narrowing his eyes and gritting his teeth. You looked at him surprised, but smiled to yourself. The jock looked surprised, but just laughed it off.
   "Look, fuck off asshole." You stated simply, grabbing Jack's hand and pulling him down the hall. The group of boys started hollering and shouting names, but you ignored them all and pushed the door to the outside. With your hand still in Jack's you two quickly walked away from the school and into the woods.
  "I usually come here to get away." You said , sighing. You blushed and let go of his hand before leaning on a tree. He looked around in awe at the scenery.
   "Once again...thank you for helping me. I don't know why he does this. I don't even talk to him." You patted a spot next to you and waited until he sat down to shrug at him.
   "He's an asshole..that's what they do. Don't worry though, I'll help you out." You both smiled and he scratched the back of his neck. He sighed heavily and and looked up at the sky.
   "Hey, smile. I know I may not be a lot but, I can your first friend here. If you want." You nervously played with your hair and looked at your shoes. You jumped in shock when you felt his fingers intertwined with yours. You looked at them and turned red, as did he.
   "T-That would mean a lot to me..." He whispered, smiling eagerly at you. He pulled his hand away and pulled out his notebook. Grabbing your hand, he gentle placed a pencil in his and lead your hand to the paper.
   "Would you like me to teach you how to draw that flower?" He asked, motioning towards the yellow flowers bunched up across from you two. You smiled and nodded, feeling his hand tighten around yours as he started sketching with you. You couldn't stop smiling through the whole. Even though you didn't pay much attention to the sketching, you did pay attention to the way his eyes flickered to you from time to time.

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