I'm Here

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! This was requested by a reader. Hope you all enjoy! Thank you for asking me to write this!)

You smiled at Mark, who currently playing a video game. Today was a chill day where you and Mark got to spend time with each other. You watched how he stuck his tongue out when he was concentrating, or licked his lips, or looked over at you from time to time. He pulled you close, letting you lay your head on his chest as you watched.
   You began to get sleepy, yawning a little. You snuggled closer to him, your eyes drooping. You jumped a little as the phone rang. You groaned, making Mark chuckle. He kissed your forehead before you forced yourself up off the couch and ventured into the kitchen.
   "OH! REALLY! THIS IS HOW IT IS GOING TO DO DOWN, HUH! I GOT MY B TO BLOW SKILLS BITCH! BRING IT!" Mark shouted from the living room. You shook your head and snatched up your phone, answering it.
   "(Y/N?)" You smiled once you realized it was your friend. You giggled and looked back at Mark.
   "(F/N)! How are you!?"
   "Um..I'm doing okay. I have to tell you something."
   "We need to hang out this weekend!"
   "That's...um what I need to talk to you about." Your friend said, her voice becoming quiet. Your smile slowly dropped as you stared down at the floor. You didn't like the tone in your friend's voice, nor the churning your stomach made. You walked away from Mark, towards the front door.
   "Okay? What's wrong? You don't sound like your okay. If everything alright?" You asked quickly, biting your lip. Your friend sighed on the other line, you could almost feel the sadness. You opened the door and walked out, slowly walking to a chair on the front porch. You sat down, holding the phone with two hands.
   "Look, this hurts me to tell you this. We have to move, (Y/N)...we have to move to Europe. My parents have new jobs and they are demanded to move closer. It's not our choice, were forced to. This means I have to move away from here. It also means less calls and Skype. I'm sorry, (Y/N). We can still email and I will try once a week to call and Skype you, I promise. I've been crying all day after I found out."
    You finally noticed her hoarse voice. Your stomach dropped, along with your mouth. Instantly tears sprang in your eyes as you realize your best friend wouldn't be by your side anymore. She would be half across the country. You let the tears run down your face as your heart ached with sadness.
   "I-I...I'm going to miss you so much." You whispered, hearing your friend crying in your ear. You both shared the tears and pain, the blubbered words and strangled goodbyes. You didn't want your friend to leave, she was basically your sister. She was your other half.
   "I'm going to miss you too, sweetie. I've been crying for hours now and haven't talked to my parents since. They know how much you and this place means to me, and we're still moving. I hate it, I hate it so much. We're leaving tomorrow morning. I'm coming over now to say goodbye. I'm so sorry." She cried out, sniffling and trying to hold back her tears.
   You started shaking as you cried harder. Tears blurred your vision as you wiped your eyes and sighed. You shook your head in frustration and pushed your hair out of your face. You heard the front door open, but ignored it and tried to talk to your upset friend.
   "I'm heading over now, it may take a little bit. I-I...I love you sis. Bye." She hung up, leaving you to set the phone down and let go. You cried, burying your face in your hands and shaking. Mark quickly sat down and pulled you in his lap, instantly asking what was wrong. You couldn't answer as you sobbed into his chest.
    After a couple minutes of back rubbing, head kisses, and sweet whispering, you were able to pull away. His fingertips wiped away the remaining tears as he looked into your eyes. You sniffled and looked away. You explained why you were crying, and Mark's face dropped. He pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back soothingly.
   "I'm so sorry, babe. That isn't fair to you or to her. I'm so sorry. Hey, I'm going to make this work. We will Skype her every chance we get and phone calls. We will make a monthly trip over there to see her, okay? You shouldn't have to lose a best friend over distance. I'll make sure of it." He kissed you softly and smiled a little bit. You sniffled and nodded, kissing his cheek. He caressed your cheek and stared into your eyes.
   "You'll still be able to be with her. I'll make sure of it. Now, let's wait inside until she comes." You nodded and let him pull you inside. Before your friend arrived, Mark held you and comforted you with his touch and his words. He made you feel calmer and a little better about the situation. He kissed your lips passionately, his hands wrapped gently around your waist.
   "I'm here, BabyGirl. We can get through this. I love you."

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