Moonlight Secrets Part 2

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    You were trapped, your hands gripping the soft grass below your fingertips. Your breath came out in ragged gasps as you stared up at the massive beast inches from you. He hunched his head down, staring into your eyes. You had to look away from his unnerving glare. Your eyes trailed down his black fur, slightly tinted green. You could feel his hot breath fan over your skin as a growl emitted from deep within his chest. He crouched, looking ready to lunge. His growls caused your heart to shudder painfully and sweat trickle down your face.
   "P-Please...don't hurt me.." You stuttered, your whole body trembling madly. He cocked his head, his sneer slowly melting off of his face. You gulped, sitting up a little bit. Your mind was still trying to wrap around the idea that..everything wasn't as it seemed. Jack's ears twitched as he looked around the field. You raised your shivering hand in the air. His head swiveled towards you, his eyes focused on your hand. He relaxed his stance, his paws leaving marks in the dirt.
   He watched with caution as you moved it closer to him. He moved back a little, causing your hand to freeze in mid air. The silence that hung in the air made your head hurt. He class dug into the mud as he remained in this position. You leaned forward more, your hand inching closer.
   "M-May I?" You asked quietly, tears welling up in your eyes. He hesitated, before lowering his huge head a little. You took a deep breath, looking over the massive wolf. Your hand soon was pressed against his large head. You gently ran your fingers through his fur, finding it surprisingly soft. He let out a small whine, his ears laying flat on his head.
    You pulled away slightly, hesitating before continuing your letting. Your fingers scratched gently on the side of his head, watching your fingers sink beneath the fur. He looked at you quietly, his eyes slowly blinking. He backed away, letting you stand up. Your eyes were wide, as were his. He looked for once startled, and afraid. You looked into his green eyes and saw a shimmer of fear, he did have emotion other than anger and hatred.
    " that what causes it?" You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You looked at his slightly glowing tattoo still inked on his furry neck. He nodded slowly, then raised his head towards the moon. He let out a haunting howl, raising on his haunches to stand. You watched in fascination as he quieted his howls. You nodded, licking your lips to wet them.
   "This happens..every time your in the moonlight? Just like in movies?" He rolled his big eyes and nodded at you. You walked closer to him, catching his guard off. He jumped and barked once, causing you to squeal in fear. He panted, his chest heaving. His fur shined under the moonlight, slightly rustling from the chilled breeze.
    "I'm not afraid of you." You said, your voice louder. He seemed to scoff at you as he circled around you. His tail swept the floor slowly, his large body surrounding you. Your heart pounded, you were sure he could hear, but you stood your ground. He snapped his teeth at you, causing you to wince and shield your face. He growled and started to run around you. His footsteps were felt throughout the ground as he pounded his paws into the ground. Finally, he stopped and stared at you.
   "I want to get to know you." You stated calmly, holding your hand out. He look bewildered and shocked, but eventually walked towards you. He placed his large head in your hand once more, feeling his throat vibrate as he let out a small whimper. It wasn't in pain, he seemed to enjoy your touch. You blushed as he pressed his body against you. You instantly felt warmer from his body heat.
    You looked up at the sky and saw the moon quickly disappear behind the clouds. He nuzzled his nose into your hand, feeling you gently bring his large face towards yours. His eyes were soft and warm now, something you've never seen before. You took the opportunity and..kissed his nose. He pulled away with a quiet yelp as he shook his head. You giggled quietly. He looked up at the sky, his body tensing.
   He looked at you for a split second before tearing off into the tree line. You gasped, seeing him crash through the bushes and disappear into the darkness. Somehow you didn't believe that he left. You heard grunts and screaming from within the woods, cries of pain that made shivers crawl down your spine. The minutes passed by as he suffered through whatever he was putting himself through. Finally, all went silent and his cries were cut off.
    He appeared from the brush, human again. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, trying to tame the green mess. You noticed he had clothes on, and blushed instantly when you realized his lack of clothes when he transformed back into a human. The ruined clothes piled on the ground next to you told you so.
   " bring a spare change with me and put it in a tree." He said quietly, straightening out his wrinkled T-Shirt. You looked at his exposed skin, smooth and not covered in sleek, black, hair. His face was back to normal, including his fingernails. He looked at you nervously, wondering what to say.
   "Look, I know this is all very hard to process. Trust me, how do you think I felt when this happened to me. Just don't freak out." He said, a scowl appearing on his face. You nodded, noticing the angry aura coming back to him. He sighed, walking closer to you.
   "You ruined my hunting. Which, I guess is a good thing. Look, I apologize for being such an asshole and so angry. It's just better than risking the harm of others." He said, giving you an apologetic shrug. You nodded, but inched closer to him.
   "You know...I have been wanting to talk to you too. This isn't...exactly how I wanted my first impression to be." He confessed, blushing. You suppressed a smile, finally beginning to see the real Jack shine through. You reached over and took a hold of his hand, now warm and sweaty. He gasped, almost pulling away. He let you hold it, all anger draining from his face.
   "I don't think anything at this point is difficult after a night like this. Jack..I want to get to know you." He nodded, letting the words digest in his head. He smirked, turning on his mocho act again. He suddenly gripped you by your waist and slammed his lips on yours. You were shocked for a few moments, but eventually melted into the kiss. He tasted husky and strong, it was incredible. He was gentle though, even as he pushed you against a tree. He pulled away, a breath taking smile against his lips.
   "I'm terribly sorry but damn..I've been wanting to do that. I didn't think giving you dog kisses were very hot anyway." You regained your breath and let a chuckle, shaking your head. He pulled you in for a hug, surprising you.
   "Thank you..for not running away." He whispered, burying his face in your hair. You smiled, hugging him back. Before pulling away, you reached up and scratched behind his ear gently. You felt his left leg start twitching as he gasped and let out a whine. You burst out laughing and turned away. He groaned and followed you, making sure you made your way to your house safely.
   "Hey! I'm supposed to be the bad boy here! You can't just go and do that!"
   "I just did, Jack. Who's a good boy!? Who's a good boy!?"
    "You son of a...I'm the good boy." He grumbled under his breath after some internal struggling, crossing his arms.

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