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   You couldn't sleep well last night. Your stomach was churning and your nerves got to you. You were up half the night, not being able to stop the smile from forming on your face. Your mind was stuck on what you saw last night. You could still see your hands shaking, almost dropping the object you were holding in your hand. You remember the deep breaths you took and the tears of joy you shed as you looked at the test.
   You wanted to run out the door and show Mark the amazing news. You restrained yourself though, you wanted this news to be special. So, you waited all day and night until morning to tell him. You rubbed your sleepy eyes and got out of bed quietly. You stopped at the doorway and looked back at Mark. He was sleeping soundly in the bed, the covers covering his head up.
   The only thing showing was his tuff of red hair. His snores quietly emerged form the sheets, making you giggle. You knew how much Mark wanted a baby, he exploded with happiness whenever he talked about it to you. Today was the day, his wish finally came true. You crept downstairs, getting to work instantly.
   You set up a camera on the counter, angling it towards the living room. You grabbed a small box from the living room, glueing little eyes and arms on it to resemble Tiny Box Tim. You opened it up and placed the pregnancy test in it with it wrapped in red ribbon. You set that on the table, snatching up a small pink bag from your purse.
   You couldn't stop your hands from trembling as tears filled your eyes. You wiped them away quickly once you heard Mark's footsteps down the hallway. You smiled at him as he emerged from the door. He smiled sleepily at you, kissing your forehead softly before heading towards the fridge.
   After he had gotten a drink of milk, you pulled him into a tight and long hug. He rubbed your pack, pulling away just enough to lock you in a kiss. Your lips moved in sync as the kiss deepened. When you pulled away, you laughed giddily and pulled him to the living room. His eyes wandered to the camera sitting on the counter, then looked at you in confusion.
    "Babe? I have something very important to tell you." You said softly, grabbing his hand tightly. He nodded at you, watching you grab the box and bag and head back over to him. He chuckled at the Tiny Box Tim as you placed it in his hands. He held it away from him, his eyes narrowing.
  "It's going to explode isn't it? That's why your recording." He said, staring back at the camera. You giggled and shook your head, handing him the pink bag. He opened that one first, the look of confusion still lingering on his face. Moving his hair out of his eyes, he pulled out a small outfit.
   It was a tiny black shirt and pants, with pink mustaches printed all over it. It came with a little pink beanie, the words,"KING OF THE SQUIRRELS!" In big block letters along the forehead. Mark chuckled in amusement as he commented on how adorable and tiny they were. You wanted to hit yourself in the head because of how oblivious he was, but just shook your head and laughed.
   "Those clothes ARE tiny Markimoo, cute and tiny. What else is cute and tiny? Something that is small, and cries a lot, and will love you the second it meets you?" You said in a shaking voice, a smile plastered onto your face. He looked at you for a moment, then at the clothes, then back at you again. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He tried to say something but nothing came out.
   You grabbed the box and opened it for him, showing the test inside. He grabbed it gingerly, holding it in front of him and looking at it carefully. Suddenly, a loud gasp came from him and you were tackled to the ground. You squealed and started to cry as he bawled his eyes out. He was spinning you around and kissing you all over your face. You cried with him as he held you tightly.
  "A BABY! WERE GOING TO HAVE A BABY! THERES GOING TO BE A LITTLE MARK OR (Y/N) RUNNING AROUND! HOLY SHIT!" Mark shouted, kissing your stomach over and over and talking to it as if it would talk back. You burst out laughing and ran your fingers through his red hair as he wiped his face and smiled brightly. He pulled you into a soft but eager kiss. He pulled away and placed his forehead on yours.
   "My baby is going to have our baby. This is the happiest moment of my life." His voice broke as he pulled you into another long hug, kissing your cheek. All that day resulted in him talking to your belly.
   "I can't wait to meet you, mini me. Your going to love your mother. She's beautiful, just like your going to be. I hope I'm a good daddy. I love you so much and your not even out here yet. ILL BE THE BEST DAMN DADDY EVER! DADDIPLIER AWAY!" He shouted, shooting his fist into the air.

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