Happy Birthday, Jack

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   You woke up extra early this morning, you were determined. Today was your Jackiboy's birthday, and you were making sure it would be a good one. You called up Mark, Bob, Wade, Felix, Ken, and all of your friends and family. They all knew the plan, so you got to work. Jack was still asleep, buried under the covers with only his little poof of green sticking out.
   You grabbed the ingredients you bought the night before and started baking. After hours of getting it ready, it was done. You admired your work, satisfied with how you did. It was a large cake with lime green icing and cookie cake center. On the top it had Little Septic Sam with a birthday hat on with the words, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEAN...LIKE A BOSS." In big, bold, black letters.
   All around the sides had little quotes your Irishman had said. Smiling to yourself, you hid it away when you heard Jack finally come downstairs. He gave you a long hug and a kiss on the nose. It was an everyday routinely did with you in the morning. You pecked his lips before handing him a cup of coffee and sending him to his recording room. He didn't suspect a thing as he closed the door with a single wave.
   Quickly, you called up everybody and waited for them to arrive. Before they could come, yo were rushing back and forth, putting up simple steamers and decorations around the house. You set a large bowl of cookies on the table before your phone went off. Rushing to the door, you saw several familiar faces. They came in quietly, before hiding behind chairs and tables.
   "Babe? Why is it so quiet? I'm almost done!" Jack called from his room loudly. You dismissed his worries and shooed the rest of the people to their places. You heard the door knob turn and click, this was it.
   "Babe? Are you ok-" His voice was cut off by the roar of people cheering for his birthday. Jack jumped back, shock written on his face. When his eyes casted over the crowd, his expression melted into joy. He laughed and clapped, giving everybody hugs and greetings. When he finally made it to you, he looked at you bewildered.
   "Hey, I wanted to make today special! I know how to throw a party." You showed him the cake, making him pick you up and spin you around. He suddenly pulled you upstairs, telling everybody he needed to tell yo something. Before you even opened your mouth, you were silenced by his lips. He pushed you against the wall and definitely took your breath away.
   You melted into the kiss, slow and passionate. His hands ran through your hair and pulled you against him. You may have momentarily forgotten that there was a whole crowd of people waiting downstairs to start the party. Jack deepened the kiss, making you feel weak. He pulled away, smiling widely at you.
   "Come on, before they start to wander." He said simply, taking your hand and pulling you downstairs. You were Red in the face and trying to form the words your twisted tongue was trying to say. He winked at you before you both emerged back into the group.
   "Happy birthday to me." You giggled, leaning against Jack and pressing a kiss against his shoulder before starting to cut the cake.

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