Prank Gone Wrong

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(A/N: HEY GUYS! I have another lovely request by a reader. Ever8888  has amazing ideas for imagines and I can't this lovely person enough for even wanting me to write these! Everyone enjoy!
Requested by:Ever8888 )

"Come on, babe! It won't be that bad! Please, just one time!" Mark exclaimed to you. You bit your lip in thought, did you really feel like getting scared shitless? Mark gave you his adorable puppy eyes and killer smile, making your choice waver a bit. You sighed loudly, making Mark cheer and pump his fist in the air.
"You will love it! Maybe." He added quickly, setting up the game. It was a game called, "Dead Space." (Guys, this game is very disturbing.) You had heard about the game, but never got a chance to look it over. You guessed now was a better time than ever. You sat on the couch by Mark, holding the controller.
"Let's begin! MUHAHA!" He bellowed an evil laugh, making you giggle. To lighten the mood, he grabbed his pink mustache and gently stuck it under your nose. You were giggling the whole time as Mark nodded in satisfaction.
"Now Mrs.Warfstache, begin!" You nodded and started the game. You were already freaked out by the creatures, but when they started to chase you, that's where you screamed. After hours of playing it, your hands were slightly shaking. Every noise, every turn, every look made it a possibility for one of those things to come after you.
"Great game huh? What, is someone a little scared?" You shook your head no, even though you wanted to curl up on his lap and say yes. He kissed your forehead as you headed upstairs for a shower. You were definitely paranoid now, more than ever. Mark rubbed his hands together and started setting things up. He had a plan to prank you. When you came down the stairs, he was hoping to scare the living daylights out of you.
"Mark? Babe?" You called out, seeing the lights turn off and everything go silent. You gulped, carefully making your way through the darkness. You looked around, not spotting Mark anywhere. Suddenly, the TV flashed on, a blizzard screen covering the surface. It's loud roar rang your ears and made your skin tingle.
Your voice didn't work, your hands trembling now. You squinted your eyes and looked around quickly, your heart pounding. You turned around and ran into something hard. Before you could look up, a strange noise whispered in your ear and that made you completely snap.
You let out a shriek and fell to the floor, kicking your legs towards the thing. The light came flashing on, Mark standing there with a big smile on his face. His smile disappeared once he noticed the tears running down your face. You even tried to laugh it off, but you were shaking too hard to stop. Mark instantly felt terrible for what he had done and picked you up.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I didn't think it'd scare you this much! I'm so sorry!" He apologized several times and held you until you stopped shaking. He wanted to repay for what he'd done. So, the next morning you woke up to Mark marching in your room with a tray of delicious smelling breakfast. You looked at the little bouquet of flowers resting in his hands and smiled. I guess he could be forgiven now.

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