Panic Attack-Mark

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(I'm always here for you guys, just like Mark and Jack are. You're never alone, lovelies. NEVER. My arms are always open for any of you guys, as is those two goobers. Read this whenever you need to stop those tears, or have a smile on your face. Stay strong, lovelies <3)

    You were on your way to Mark's house, finally getting out of school for Spring Break. You sighed loudly, gripping the steering wheel tightly. You took deep breaths, trying to get your mind off of everything. Even when you blared the radio, your mind seemed to overpower it. The week had been very stressful. Tests, exams, finals, quizzes, they all seemed to be shoved at you.
    You had major finals coming up soon, and you haven't slept well in weeks. Your mind seemed to just be an endless record playing over and over again. Your hands trembled as you tried to focus on the road. You bit your lip, your eyes filling with tears. You cursed, wiping at the tears hastily. You tried to breathe, but you realized you couldn't.
    "Stop...breathe..." You choked out, shaking your head. You slowed the car, your head filling with dark thoughts. Why am I so stupid?, you thought angrily. Why can't I get things right? Why am I such a fuck up? Thoughts ran dizzily in your head as you banged your fist against the wheel. Your car was swerving, so you pulled to the side of the road.
    You leaned back, grasping at your chest. You're worthless, you spat at yourself. Your head throbbed as you let the sadness consume you. You can never do anything right, why is Mark even with you? He'll get tired of you, everyone does eventually. You let out a sob, gasping for air. Your body shivered and your chest heaved for breath. Tears ran down your cheeks as you tried to stifle the sobs.
    Waves of sadness rolled over you, depression plaguing your mind. You cried harder, scrambling for your phone. You grabbed a handful of hair and tugged hard, holding your face in your hands. Your breath hitched as opened your phone and tried to find Mark's number. Your vision was blurry and hard to see the names. Finally, you clicked his number and pressed the phone to your ear. You started panicking as your breath got shorter and shorter.
    "Hello?" Mark answered after the fifth ring. The sound of his voice made you cry out, gritting your teeth. You sobbed into the phone, beating your fists against the wheel and causing bruises to form on your hand. You could hear him, but couldn't find the words to respond back.
    "Help me..please..." You managed to cry out, your mind shouting at you. You tried not to think about the throbbing pain in your head, but at this point that's all you could focus on.
    "Where are you, (Y/N)? Where are you?" Mark asked, concern deep in his voice. You whimpered and looked around, blinking away the tears. Your teeth was chattering so much it rattled in your ears as you spotted a road sign. You stuttered out the location, letting the phone slip from your hands. It clattered to the floor, and all that was left was your choking sobs. So you sat there, curled up in the seat, trying to get your breath back again.
   It seemed like hours passed you were just sitting there, rocking back and forth. The sun shined on your skin, glistening the tears rolling down your face. Finally, you looked up to see a car park behind you in the rearview mirror. It screeched to a stop, somebody jumping out of the driver seat. They left the door open, running to your car. Their red hair flipped around as they sprinted to the side of your door.
    "(Y/N)!" Mark shouted, flinging the door open. You didn't respond, your chest heaving more. Mark pulled you to him, hugging you close. You clawed his back, gripping his shirt until your knuckles turned white. You shook in his arms, sobbing loudly into his chest. He rubbed your back, kissing your head over and over again. He didn't say anything, just held you tightly in his arms.
    "You're not alone, baby. No one told you, you had to do this on your own. I'm here, (Y/N), I am right here. Look at me, I am here for you." You listened to his voice, trying to steady your breathing. Your heart was hammering in your chest, and ringing in your ears.
    "I need you to breathe. I need you to count to ten with me, okay?" He waited until you nodded to start counting. He intertwined his hand tightly with yours, pressing his lips against your temple. You whimpered, digging your nails into his hand. He leaned close to your ear, rubbing your back.
    "One..." He whispered, waiting for you to whisper it back. With every number, you both took a breath. You sucked in a feeble breathe, soft sobs escaping your lips. He nodded, locking your eyes with his. You stared into his chocolate eyes, your bottom lip quivering. He wiped your cheeks softly, new tears wetting them.
    "Two..." You said, your voice cracking. He held your face in his hands, taking a deep breath with you. Your mind was aching and you started crying again. He shushed you softly, kissing your lips. You trembled against him, closing your eyes.
    "You're my everything, (Y/N). You're never a mistake to me, your my whole life. I love you. I'm not leaving you, ever. I'm here to stay." He said softly, continuing the counting. You breathed in his cologne, trying to calm your nerves. Your breathing began to slow down, your wheezing and choking beginning to stop. He whispered more words into your ear, watching you with caution.
    You breathed deeply, getting your breath back. Mark kissed your forehead softly and nodded, telling you about all the things he loved about you. You watched him, inhaling and letting the air out slowly through your lips. Your grip loosened from him as you leaned back into the seat. You took deep gulps of air, rising your chest up and down.
    "That's it, baby. I'm so proud of you. That's it, just keep breathing. Everything is fine. Nothing is wrong, baby. We will get through this, you're a fighter. You will keep fighting. I'm right here to catch you if you fall. Breathe in, and out. Good." He said, pulling you to him. You felt exhausted now, your face feeling dry. He kissed you over and over, peppering your fave with sweet kisses. You were still shaking as Mark smiled at you. You were finally able to smile back at him.
    "You're my hero..thank you." You said, hugging him tightly. He hugged you back, holding the back of your head gently. You sniffled, wiping at your eyes and hiding your puffy eyes and splotched face. He pulled your hands away from your face. He then kissed your forehead, your temples, your nose, cheeks, chin, and then your lips.
    "Don't hide your face from me. You're beautiful, even when you cry. I'm always here for you, always. I'll be your knight in shining armor." You smiled and nodded, kissing his cheek. He tucked your hair behind your ear, causing you to blush. He held you close, holding his hand to your chest.
    "Your heart? That sound in your chest, it means your me surviving and you're alive. It means you're still here, with me." You teared up again, this time in happiness, and nodded at him. With one more kiss on the lips, he held you close and gave you one last squeeze.
    "Let's go home, Angel."

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