Life Is Strange Part 4

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! I think this will be the last Life Is Strange imagine. I apologize greatly, but I want to get started on working on the Life Is Strange full book. So, this is the last imagine for this part, and the ending hopefully will make all of you happy. I totally ship you and Mark in Life Is strange! Enjoy Lovelies! I will start watching the Life Is Strange play through again, probably Jack's because I enjoyed his the most. I want make sure I get my ideas and inspiration ready for the book.)

    After that night in the pool, you and Mark seemed to become closer. It almost seemed like you two didn't meet just a month ago. It seemed like years you two had been with each other. You couldn't help about the fact that you might have had a slight crush on this guy. You couldn't blame yourself, but you felt your feelings getting stronger and stronger each day that passed. You survived another grueling day of classes. You were targeted by Victoria big time now, and she wouldn't let you off the hook. You tried to focus on your project in Mr. Jefferson's class, but you just couldn't. The deadline for your project was tomorrow, so you had longer to procrastinate. You sighed heavily, relieved to finally be walking out of the building.

Mark had recently texted you, suggesting hanging out at his place. After the incident with David, you were a little antsy about it. You wanted to see Mark though, so you went to his house anyway. You walked past the many students bustling to get home or away from school. You kept your headphones in, a sweet melody of guitars playing in your ears. You smiled softly, being consumed by the relaxing music. You walked alone, as you always did. This always made you stop and think, Mark really was your only friend here. Somehow, you didn't mind it too much. You walked quickly down the road, finally seeing Mark's house in the distance. You looked out beyond the road across from you, seeing the sea water peek up from behind the buildings.

You watched the waves crash against the wall, and spray back into the ocean. The sun was in the middle of the sky, shining warm rays that rested upon your pale cheek. Even with the sun in Arcadia Bay, you didn't seem to catch onto the tan most people had worked on. The breeze was warm and comforting, you did love this weather. You turned your eyes away from the raging sea to walk up the drive to Mark's house. Shutting the door behind you, you found yourself alone. You were relieved that "Sargent Asshole.", was nowhere to be seen. You heard the familiar sound of rock music blaring from speakers upstairs. As you walked down the hallway, you looked at the pictures hanging on the wall. You giggled at the frames that held pictures of Mark when he was a little boy.

His goofy, toothless, smile and jet black hair that stuck straight up, seemed like an entirely different person then he is now. As the pictures progressed, you could see how much Mark had changed. He went from a smiling, cheerful, little boy, to a smoldering, punk rock teenager. David was in some of them, but they didn't look like a happy family. You felt a pang of sadness, but pushed away the feelings and headed upstairs. The music got progressively louder as you stood in front of his room. Skulls were carved into the wood of the door, multiple posters taped on the surface.




Your eyes trailed over the big, block, letters that seemed to scream out at you. You grasped your hand around the knob and opened the door. There was Mark, laying flat on his bed, a cigarette between his lips. He looked up, saw you, then laid back down. You walked past the blaring music and laid down next to him on his bed. He smirked at you, and offered the burning stick. You made a face and shook your head, you did this every time he offered it to you. You both sat up, staring at each other. He snuffed out the cigarette, flicking his bud outside the window. You studied his features more closely as he seemed to be in thought. His red hair was tousled and messy, but it seemed to fit him. He had a black and green nose ring in, along with black snake bite piercings on each side of his bottom lip. He had on a blue muscle shirt, his tattoos once again showing. He kicked his shoes off, throwing them across the room.

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