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(A/N: HEY GUYS! This is a little different from what imagines I usually write but I've been wanting to do an apocalypse one just bc I wanted to. I don't know this'll turn out buttttttt let's try it! It's a long one! Enjoy lovelies!)

   You bit your tongue, silencing the scream that was seconds from ripping from your throat. You stared intensely at the window, waiting for them to come bursting in. You could hear the moans of the undead just outside your door, banging and scratching to get inside. It's been a week so far, you were running out of food. You knew you couldn't stay in this house forever.
   "Shit, shit, shit." You said over and over, wiping dirt and sweat from your forehead. Your knees ached from being on the cement ground for so long, but you didn't dare move a muscle. A few mere moments ago, you had lost your grip and sent a plate crashing into the floor, resulting in the horde banging at your doorstep. You winced as you heard their nails scratch and claw at the wood.
   You lost contact to your family awhile ago, and now you only hoped you had a chance to escape. With agonizingly slow movement, you managed to crawl up your stairs and out of view. Once free, you sprinted into your room and started packing. You slung your pack over your shoulder, shoving your pocket knives and pistol into the pouch.
   You nearly jumped out of your skin when you heard the door downstairs break open. The wood split and screamed as they used their bodies to bash it open. You let out that scream you were holding and shoved open the window. It was a far jump, but you didn't mind taking the risk. You turned around to see three of them shuffling towards you.
   You couldn't unsee the images of their gnarled fingers, gaping wounds, broken teeth, and wild white eyes as they came after you. You shrieked and forced your legs to jump through the window. The air flew your tangled hair back as you crashed into the grass below. You gasped in pain but quickly crawled into the bushes a few feet from you. You gritted your teeth and ignored the throbbing as you broke through a clearing.
   You limped down an abandoned street, sneaking past broken down cars and covered bodies. You froze when you began to hear footsteps and voices. You pushed against a truck by your right, peeking out the back. You spotted four of them, all young men. One had vibrant blue hair and a sharpened wooden pole. The second one had eye catching green hair and in his hands was a blood stained axe. The third had short and shaggy blonde hair, his jawline a five o clock shadow and his fingers gripping a battered bat.
   The last one wore a strange white mask, his face hiding behind an emotionless mask. He scratched his brown hair, his free hand tightening around a pack on his shoulder. You studied them for a few minutes, wondering if it was safe. Your decision was made when a sharp shock of pain traveled up your ankle. You cried out and slipped, falling right into the open.
   When you looked up, you saw them surrounding you, their eyes wide with curiosity. The blue haired man held his hand out slowly, his eyes searching your face. You hesitated, but they gave you a friendly feeling. Once on your feet, you saw the green haired guy pointing his axe at you.
   "Are ye bit, lass?" His Irish accent rang out, the other guys waiting for an answer. You shook your head, rubbing your sore ankle. You explained to them your story, and in exchange they explained theirs. They were pretty lucky to still be with their friends, you were all alone. After given a small water bottle and an energy bar, the green haired man pointed towards the road. The blue hair man grinned and held his hand out to you.
   "I don't see any threat with you, lass. We're heading north, to an evacuation center. You are more than glad to come with us. The more the better. I'm Jack. That's Mark, Felix, and Cry. We can protect you, we can protect each other." You saw the caring in his eyes, as with the others. You looked back at your house in the distance, infested with the undead and crawling with death.
   "Much obliged." You stated, reaching out and shaking hands with the man, Mark. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, helping you to keep up.
Without a second glance, you took a step forward and started your journey down the road with your new found friends.

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