Luck Of The Irish(Lime?)

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(A/N: HEY LOVELIES! So, A lot of you wanted me to do a JackxReader imagine where there is fluff like the MarkxReader imagine I did. So, I shall fulfill your fluffy needs ;-). Haha, hope you enjoy! This is more of a "Lime" not fully lemon but just a little bit more than fluff.

    You held Jack's hand tightly as you walked around the mall with him. You two looked at video games and movies, it was just a cute little date day for the two of you. He looked at you and gave you his goofy smile, making you blush. He leaned over and kissed your cheek, his lips lingering for a few moments. You giggled and dragged him into the video game store.
   "Jack! Look at this! Blood,gore,horror! We need to get it!" You squealed, gripping the game tightly. He chuckled and looked at it, nodding in approval. He and you continued walking through the halls, talking about your day and what kind of game you wanted. You two were going to find two movies, two games, and go out to dinner. You looked over when you heard a high pitched giggle. 
   "Look how cute he is. Holy shit, I'd hit that." Your face turned read at their blunt words as they looked Jack up and down. You looked at Jack to see him completely oblivious to their hungry stares. The two girls giggled and pointed at him, whistling softly. You felt jealous, so you held his hand and walked closer to him. He noticed, slipping his arm around your waist. You smiled up at him, still feeling the girl's stares.
   "Babe? I think we should get this one!" Jack exclaimed, walking over to a rack of Cd's. You followed behind him, noticing the two girls following you a few feet away. They continued to whisper and you caught enough of their conversation to know where it was going. So, you sent a glare at them, which they didn't seem to catch, and pulled Jack to the checkout line.
   You two paid for your games and headed out. Jack questioned why you were in such a rush, but you were too angry to notice. The girls frowned at you, rolling their eyes and making the "Call Me.", sign towards Jack. You huffed and pulled him down an empty hallway. Granted, you got jealous easily, but you wanted to make sure Jack knew you were his.
   "(Y/N)? We're going the wrong wa-" you cut him off as you pushed him roughly against the wall. He gasped, the bag in his hand dropping to the floor. You could hear the distant voices of other poeple, but no one was around for this. You crashed your lips onto his, standing on your tip toes to deepen the kiss. Jack instantly responded with a kiss, his lips moving with yours. You pressed against him, gripping his hair.  His hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you tighter.
   "Your. Mine." You mumbled against his lips, biting his lower lip. He gasped quietly, moaning a little at the action. You tugged at his green hair, feeling his chin hair brush against your cheek. He was confused as to why you were anxious, but he wasn't minding at all at the moment. You knew you were in a mall, where people were, which meant witnesses, but you had this urge that you couldn't control.
   You deepened the kiss, your fingertips trailing down his neck. He tensed up when your hands went up his shirt, feeling the dips of his abs. You let your hands wander down his chest, over his smooth abs, to the hem of his jeans. His breathing hitched as you traced his V-line with your fingertips.
   "(Y/N)...W-What...shite." He moaned in your mouth, his accent ringing through. He ran his hands up your back slowly. You shivered, leaving his lips to go down his pale neck. Your lips left soft kisses down his collarbone, where you decided to leave a love bite on his neck. He hummed in pleasure as you harshly left the spot. He forced your head up as he pressed his lips against yours. You moaned a little when you felt his hand run across your stomach.
   "We're in a mall for pete's sake." Jack whispered shakingly. Although he stated this, he never stopped his hands from gripping your belt loop and pressing your hips against his. The kiss got more heated, until Jack could hardly contain himself from making too much noise. After one more kiss, you pulled away. You both caught your breath, looking at each other with smiles on your faces.
   "Damn, Lass." Jack said, his voice low and smooth. He kissed your forehead, taking a deep breath and picking up the bag. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head. He grabbed your hand and started walking. You noticed the little mark on his neck, and blushed. You let out a breath and giggled, trying to act normal as you got the rest of your stuff and left. Once in his car, he grabbed your chin and pulled you into a sweet kiss. Winking at you, he pulled out of the driveway. He blushed, looking over at you.
"I'm finishing what we started when we get home."

(Would you lovely people like a Part Two?)

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