First Kiss-Mark

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   You giggled, looking out your window. Down below, standing on the ground, was your boyfriend Mark. He stood there looking up at you, holding a handful of flowers. He gave you that smile you adored and you opened the window. Smiling down at him, you looked back at your door to make sure your parents didn't hear.
   "Aren't you getting a Romeo and Juliet vibe!?" Mark whispered loudly up to you. You stifled a laugh and nodded, swinging your legs over the ledge. Mark stood back, beckoning you towards him. Steadying yourself, you tensed and jumped down from your ledge. The soles of your feet tingled as you planted your feet.
   "Well hello there, beautiful." Mark said quietly, wrapping you in a hug. The flowers ended up getting crushed, but you didn't seem to mind. With both of you laughing, you two quickly sneaked away to a more private place. You two sat on the grass, your head rested against his shoulder, both of you looking up at the moon.
   "You look so...breathtaking in the moonlight." He whispered in your ear, making you giggle and blush. You two faced each other, looking into each other's eyes and smiling. You knew you had to get back soon, your parents would be waking up soon for work. For now though, you enjoyed the silence and the warmth Mark gave you.
   You noticed he seemed a little nervous this time. His hands shook a little and his eyes were looking more at the ground then your face. You bent your head down, looking up at him and grinning. He smiled back, but you could see the hesitation in his face.
   "What's wrong?" You asked, concerned. He sighed, running a hand through his hair before grabbing your hands. He leaned closer to you, his fingertips grazing up your arms. You remained silent, your eyes concentrating more on his lips then his face. You couldn't blame yourself, they were very kissable looking lips.
   "I-I want to try something...nothing b-bad! I" Mark stuttered and fumbled for words, making him an adorable mess. You giggled and nodded, staying still and letting him know it was okay.
   "Go ahead." You whispered, giving him a warm smile. He nodded and took a deep breath, locking his eyes with yours. You shivered as his fingers slid up your arm, above your elbow, to your shoulders, and caressed both of your cheeks. Your heart was beating faster as he gently pulled you towards him.
   "I've waited so long for this." He said in a breathy whisper, connecting your lips with his. His lips were soft and seemed to fit perfectly with yours. Your hands pulled him closer, feeling his rapid heartbeat as they landed on his chest. You pulled away, your face heated up as well as his. He had a huge smile on his face as he pulled you into a hug.
   "Our first kiss..." You said, both of you walking back to your house. Mark couldn't stop smiling to himself as he nodded and pulled you close. Standing beneath your window, Mark softly kissed your lips again.
   "Many more to come.." He answered, watching you climb back up into your window before walking back to his own house, his walk having a little bit more bounce to it.

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