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   "I think it's going to rain." You said quietly, staring out at the gray clouds that rumbled through the sky. The wind blew your hair around, a nice warm breeze that made you close your eyes and enjoy the moment. Your friend beside you, Jack, nodded in agreement. He stated out at the sky, running a hand through his neon hair.
   The last school bell of the day was still ringing slightly in your ears. You two were walking home together, you did this everyday. Jack was your only friend in this big school, but you didn't mind. He was the best friend you could ever ask for. Though, he could get on your nerves quite a bit.
   You felt something hit your shoulder. You look next to you to see Jack flinging rocks at you. You give him a look, but he continued to shower rocks over your head. You give him a shove, an amused smile on his lips. You look up at the rain started. It was just a soft rain, you found it kind of relaxing. Besides the fact that Jack was now stepping on the back of your shoes.
   "You little..." You grumbled, shooting him a smile as you broke out into a sprint. Jack yelled your name as he tried to keep up with you. The wind picked up, the raindrops growing fatter. Your shoes scraped against the concrete and your bag slapped against your hip. You giggled as you looked back to see Jack slipping over a puddle.
   "No fair! You got a head start!" He whined, heaving a breath as you stopped by your house. You made a face at him, which he returned back. The rain was pounding now, making you squint your eyes. You watched him run towards you, but didn't stop. You tried to take a step aside, but his arms had already wrapped around you. He picked you off the ground and spun you around with him.
   You squealed as he held you in the air. He chuckled at you, a warm smile on his face. He set you down, water running down his face. Your teeth chattered, but you didn't want to go inside. He seemed to blush, but you couldn't tell in his rain. He picked his jacket up and put it over your head. You both huddled underneath it, inches from each other.
   "You look a little wet." He joked, using his hand go wipe a drop off of your cheek. You blushed, giggling nervously. You two ended up making eye contact, you found yourself getting lost in those icy blue eyes. Soon, you cleared your throat and stepped back. You felt your stomach churn but tried to ignore it.
   "U-Um..we should probably go inside. We can play some games?" You suggested, motioning towards the house. He nodded, shaking his hair around. You both walked towards the house, both of your hands brushing by each other's. He scratched the back of his neck and held the door open for you. You walked in, feeling his eyes on your back.
Talk about awkward, you thought as you walked in.
"Ready for defeat?" You grinned at him.
"Bring it on."

Markiplier and Jacksepticeye Imagines <3Where stories live. Discover now