When Mark Gets Angry

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    You had been busy all day, studying for college exams and tests was not an easy thing to do. Being stuck on your campus all day made you exhausted and ready to go back to your Markimoo. You haven't heard from him at all, despite the short and quick conversation you two had this morning before leaving.
    You checked your phone, your messages still unread from him hours ago. You felt a little worried, but shrugged it off, thinking it was just his day for more videos to upload and edit. You breathed a sigh of relief as you laid down the last test paper on your Professor's desk.
    You didn't waste time getting into your car and heading home. You missed Mark so much today, you were ready to be with him. As you drove up to the house, you felt odd. As though something bad had happened. You rubbed your forehead and fixed your appearance before getting out of the car.
    You checked your watch, seeing you had been gone literally all day. The thought made you ache to feel Mark's lips on yours, so you hurried inside. Once you closed the door, you instantly knew something was wrong. Your eyes flickered to the picture frames laid on the ground and the decent size hole in the wall by the door.
    You heard grumbling and shouting, along with a few crashes and bumps. You ran to where the noise was, leading you into your guys' room where Mark stood. His hands were balled into fists, his hair in all different directions. The veins in his arms stood out, his muscles bulging from the tension he was causing in them.
    Your room was in chaos, you began to feel a little scared. Mark's back was turned to you, he didn't seem to take notice yet. His breath came out in loud pants, his whole body seeming to shake. You had no idea what had happened in the hours you were gone, but you knew you needed to act fast. He shouted a curse and brought his right hand back.
    You gasped as you saw his scraped and bloody knuckles, already turning blue and purple. You saw what he was looking at, he was going to drive his fist into another wall. You lunged forward and crashed into him, your arms instantly locking around his body.
    "WHAT THE HELL!?" He tore away from you, making you stumble backwards. His face dropped when he saw it was you. He stood there, frozen, looking at you with wide eyes. He had tears soaking his face, and his mouth was hung open. You quickly went back to him and wrapped your arms around him.
    "(Y-Y/N?).", Mark whispered, his voice now quiet and raspy. You nodded, pulling away and slowly leading him into the kitchen. He didn't say a word as you sat him down and grabbed a wet cloth and gauze. You gingerly picked up his hand, noticing you both were shaking equally hard. You heard him hiss in pain as you cleaned the knuckles, teardrops appearing on the counter next to you.
    "I'm so sorry...I-I'm so sorry..." Mark replied over and over, his voice cracking and making your heart hurt. Once you had finished wrapping his hand, he pulled you into a hug. His head buried into your neck as you rubbed his back slowly. You started to tear up as his sobs increased and Mark's voice was lost in his wails.
    "S-Shh...baby...Mark...I'm right here. Everything will be okay. I'm right here, I'm not leaving. Shh..baby it's okay." You whispered soothingly into his ear, just continuing to talk to him through his breakdown. You ran your fingers gently through his blue hair, knowing how much he loved it when you played with his hair.
    After awhile, he sniffed and pulled away from you. Your shirt was a little soaked, but you didn't care right now. You reached up and wiped the tears that slicked his face. He wouldn't look you in the eyes, his lips pulled down into a frown. You stood up and stared at him, your hands on both sides of his face.
    "Mark..what made you do all this? You could've broken your hand, or hurt yourself!? What happened?" You asked quietly, watching the guilt in his eyes increase as he looked up. His bottom lip quivered as he took a deep breath and regained himself.
    "I...I don't k-know. It's just...I feel like I've been a horrible boyfriend t-to you. I feel like your so alone all the time while I'm being an ass and playing games. I-I'm so sorry.." He said, choked up. Your heart broke at his words, at his actions he took.
    "I-I just got so mad..at myself." He said, looking down at his feet. You pulled him close and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back and didn't let go for a couple minutes. You got him to look you in the eyes.
    "Mark, never ever think you are a bad boyfriend. I am blessed to even be in your life. Your amazing Mark, you make me feel so damn special and loved. I've never felt this close to somebody in a very long time. You filled this hole in my chest that was waiting to be filled. I was empty for awhile, but you came along and made my life better. Don't ever say that you didn't. Your gaming career, baby..I couldn't be more proud of you than I am already." He teared up again, but this time with a smile on his face.
    You attacked him with kisses and had one last hug before you two decided to clean up the place and make it look normal again. He felt awfully bad about the holes in the walls, but you made a joke out of it by putting a picture frame over them.
    "No one will know! Our little secret!" You whispered with a smile, giving him a gentle kiss before you two decided to head out and spend the day outside, enjoying the sun and making Mark his old cheerful little self.

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