Tear Jerker

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(A/N: Okay, so this one is going to be emotional. I thought of it on the bus ride home and we passed by something that made me think of it. So, this may be a tear jerker, as the title says.)

   "Come on, I bet he would like me! I mean..hopefully." You smiled a little at him, he was definitely was persistent. Mark wanted to meet your father, but you kept denying his request. You had your reasons as to why you kept saying no to his asking. This went on for weeks, until you finally gave in to his begging. Your stomach twisted and turned as you both climbed into your car.
   "I don't see the reason why you need to meet him now." You said quietly, on the verge of whispering. You were terrified to show him your father, you knew how he would react. You remained quiet as Mark went on about how he would instantly warm up to him and how he would become best pals with your dad. You bit your lip to focus on the pain as you drove closer to your destination.
   After twenty more minutes of driving, you had finally arrived. Mark grew silent as you both stared up at the gate. He didn't expect you to drive him to a cemetery, but it happened. You opened the car door, struggling to keep the tears from falling. He silently followed behind you as you walked down a familiar stone path.
   "Dad, meet Mark. Mark meet...dad." You whispered, motioning towards a certain tombstone set into the ground. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Mark as the silence grew on. You heard footsteps and watched Mark walk past you. He kneeled on the ground, in front of the tombstone. His hand rested gently on the top of it.
   "It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for allowing me to meet your amazing daughter. She's everything I could have asked for and more. Beautiful, strong, talented, sweet. I'm sure your very proud of her, just like I am. She's even got a career in art, she told me how much you encouraged her. She keeps me on my toes and she's my ray of sunshine. I can't thank you enough for raising someone as wonderful as she is."
   Your mouth dropped open as he continued to talk in and on about how lucky he was to have you in his life. You couldn't hold back to tears that steamed down your face as you covered your mouth and kneeled down where you stood. You listened to him describe you and how your life was going. You let out quiet sobs as he finished up and patted the tombstone.
   You both stood up and he walked over to you. Using his fingertips to wipe away the tears, he pulled you into a hug. You noticed his eyes red and watery too. He sniffled, kissing your forehead several times before pulling away.
   "I told you he would love me." He said to you, intertwining his hand with yours and wiping at his eyes. You nodded and broke out in a smile, looking back at the grave.
   "I love you dad, I knew you'd like him." You blew a kiss behind you before getting back in your car and heading to the house. Mark gave you little kisses and sweet words the whole day after that. He was right, you knew your father loved him. 

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