Bad Jokes

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(A/N: I deeply apologize for the non-updating. I'm a horrible writer for doing this, I'm very sorry. This chapter may suck, and I apologize for that too.)

   It was a boring, rainy day in Ireland. Jack was currently recording one of his videos, his usual shouting being heard in the kitchen. You sighed, looking out at the storm roaring outside. You waited for him get done so you two could spent some time with each other. You sat on the couch, a bowl of cereal in your lap.
  You passed the time by watching some TV. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Jack strolled out of his room. He bounded up to you, kissing your cheek softly and jumping on the couch. He pushed away his green fringe and smiled giddily at you. You looked at him curiously as he chuckled.
    "So, I just did my comment videos, and I have come up with AMAZING jokes. Trust me, you wanna hear these." Jack stated, smiling proudly. You giggled and shrugged, why not? You sat across from him, holding one of his hands. He cleared his throat, looking at you.
   "Okay, okay. What do you call a bear with no teeth?" He asked, chuckling already. You shook your head, already knowing how bad they were going to be. You shrugged, waiting for an answer.
   "A GUMMY BEAR!" He shouted, laughing harder. You bursted out in giggles at how funny he found himself. He wiped his eyes, bowing for you. You snickered, biting your lip.
   "Alright, my turn. Why did the sun go to school?" You asked him, watching him think over it. His face lit up and he was just about to answer when you interrupted him.
   "BECAUSE HE WANTED TO GET BRIGHTER!" You yelled, slapping your knee. He stifled a chuckle and shook his head. He put on his determined face as he rubbed his hands together and stuck out his tongue a little.
    "Good one, good one. I have a better one, though. Okay, what do you call an Italian prostitute?"
   "Jack..I don't think tha-"
   "(Y/N)! Come one!"
   "Alright, alright! What?"
   "Hehe..a PASTA-tute. I should be a comedian." He said, chuckling. You shook your head and stood up, holding up your hand. He laughed louder as he followed you into the kitchen. You couldn't take anymore of his corny and bad jokes, they were just too much. You shoved him gently away as he began to spew out different jokes.
   "Don't walk away from me, Lass! I have endless jokes to tell you!"
   "I don't want to hear them."
   "Oh trust me, you want to hear them."
   "I don't think I d-"
    "Jack, I swear to g-"
    "A BROWN STICK!" You had to suppress a laugh as you tried to walk away. He grabbed your waist and held you against him. You let out little giggled as he tickled your sides gently and held you in place. You mockingly glared at him and decided to play his own game. You let out a groan.
   "Good one. Ah, but why did the hipster burn his mouth? BECAUSE HE ATE IT BEFORE IT WAS COOL." Jack gasped and threw his hands up in the air, screaming. He ran around the kitchen, one hand covering his mouth.
    "OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He shouted, causing you to burst out laughing. You escaped his jokes, walking into the living room. He grabbed you and kissed you unexpectantly. He smiled down at you, and pulled you down in his lap. You thought his jokes were over, you were very wrong. You looked into his bright blue eyes and touched his cheek.
   "Lass?" He whispered, kissing your nose. You blushed, smiling.
    "Why was the teady bear never hungry?" Your smiled twitched and you glared at him. You tried standing up, but he held your hips down. He bit his lip to keep from laughing as he leaned close to your face. You gave him a warning look, but the evil giddy look in his eyes told you what he was going to do.
    "Sean William McLoughlin, I swear to god. If you tell me the answer to this joke, I will...Sean don't even think ab-"

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