Five Nights At Freddy's Part Two

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You pressed the red button on the wall, hearing the door slide closed. You and Mark both let out a sigh of relief and sat back down in your chairs. Mark was grumbling about how wrong this was, and how he wasn't being paid enough to do this. You took the chance the get a good look at him. You couldn't deny that he was a good looking man.
He had black, short hair with the top of his head being a fiery red. It laid on the side of his face, sometimes in his eyes. In the dull light, you could see he had soft chocolate brown eyes. Your eyes went over his strong jawline, lips, Freddy Fazbear security guard shirt, and worn blue jeans. His black boots scraped against the floor as he spun around in his chair. His voice was deep and smooth, you liked hearing it. You rolled over to the desk and clicked through the camera positions.
"This is crazy. Do you really think they're going to be walking around anytime soon? Non-Living...metal..toy..animatronics?" You asked, looking at the doorway in concern. Mark shrugged his shoulders, looking at the computer with you. You constantly checked the cameras throughout the night, no matter how tired you were.
"I believe there names are Bonnie, a bunny, Chica, a chicken, Foxy..a fox, and Freddy, a bear. From what they look like on the posters, they can't be THAT scary." You nodded, he was right. This was an entertainment place for kids, they wouldn't let the toys be menacing or dangerous. Maybe the guy on the phone was just giving us a scare. Maybe it was a "Newbie" joke they did on all the new workers? You let yourself believe so you could stop worrying.
"What was that?" Mark asked, looking out the window to the hallway. You looked with him, seeing a few lights flickering here and there. It was silent for a few moments until you heard footsteps. You rushed to the camera and clicked through the rooms. Your eyes widened and a gasp left your lips.
"Where's Chica!?" You asked, your voice urgent. Mark looked at where your finger was pointing and shook his head. No way they actually left the main room, no way. Your heart jumped to your throat as you heard louder thumping outside the doorway. You flashed your flashlight towards the vents, hearing a strange echo.
"This can't be happening." Mark whispered, his eyes glued to the screen. You walked over to the window, shining your light outside. You only saw an empty hallway. You nearly threw the flashlight when Mark screamed. You looked behind you, at Mark. He covered his mouth with his hand and pointed at the screen.
"Holy shit." You whispered. On the screen was in the hallway leading towards the room you two were in. It was blocked though.
By Bonnie's face. His blue face was covering the whole screen, his bright green eyes staring at you. You shivered, seeing his motionless figure stuck on the screen.
"No way." Mark said, gripping his flashlight tightly. You turned back to the window, shining your light more. You knew you were wasting battery, but you were too scared to turn it off. You two heard various sounds of screeching and clawing, laughing and thumping. You looked over at the clock, seeing it was "5:00 A.M." One more hour, you thought in relief.
"What's that?" Mark asked quietly. You looked at him, who pointed behind you. You watched the color drain from his face. Your neck prickled with fear as your shivering hands turned the flashlight towards the window. You gulped, seeing inky darkness. You pressed your ear against the chilled glass, hearing a clicking sound. The noise reminded you of turning gears of metal rubbing against each other.
Taking a deep breath, you quickly flashed your light outside. You were filled with relief as you saw nothing. Your relief froze when the lights turned off. You heard the door slide open and the machines turn off. You both gasped, your light shivering on the ground. Your eyes were open wide, but you couldn't see much. Only a few flickering movies in the room, and your flashlight. You heard a song start to play. It sounded like a lullaby, a dark and haunting melody.
"Fuck.." Mark whispered. You gritted your teeth when you heard scraping coming from outside your door. You made your way to Mark, slowly standing beside him. You let your flashlight make its way to the door, letting you see what was the cause.
It was Freddy..
He stood there silently, staring at you with his huge metal head. It's eyes flashed red as it seemed to stare into your soul. His gears whirred and clicked, his feet planted to the ground. He started laughing, a chilling chuckle that made goosebumps cover your skin. You could hear Mark's rapid breathing, and soon feel his hand in yours.
Freddy cocked his head to the right, continuing his dark laugh. You shivered violently, tears filling your eyes. He rested a hand on the door frame, digging his metal hands into the wood. You both took step back as he entered the room, his footsteps loud and thundering. He growled, outstretching his arms and opening his mouth. They were filled with rows and rows of sharp metal teeth. The sight alone made your knees start to shake. He let out a bellowing screech, and got ready to lunge.
You closed your eyes. You waited for the feeling of metal ripping your skin apart, teeth sinking into your soft organs, his laughter filling your head, even the pain of being ripped in half. It never came. You didn't even feel pain. You slowly opened your eyes, as the clock resting on the counter went off. The alarm went off, music and cheering playing. The lights started to flicker on, letting you and Mark see again.
"6:00 A.M." The clock said. You saw that Freddy was gone, the sound of his footsteps fading. You breathed heavily, looking over at Mark. He was still clutching your hand, his face pale. You dropped your flashlight, your hand trembling with adrenaline. It was the end of your shift..until the next night.
"So this..this is what they were talking about." Mark said, looking at the damaged door. You nodded, catching your breath and trying to regain your voice. The clock stopped its ringing, the hallway being lit up by the morning sun outside. You both looked at each other in disbelief.
"This is only Night One." You said, your voice shaking. Mark gulped and nodded, looking out into the hallway.
"We have four more nights to go..."

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