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   You woke up to the sound of someone in the bathroom. You stirred, willing to keep your eyes closed. After a few minutes of trying,you gave up. Opening your eyes slowly, you sat up and sighed quietly. You rubbed your sleepy eyes, looking towards the bathroom. The yellow light spilled onto the carpet, a silhouette of Mark moving around.
   "Babe?" You called out softly, getting no response in return. You got out of bed and shuffled your way into the bathroom. Squinting against the bright light, you saw Mark. He was staring into the mirror at himself, his eyes hard as ice. His jaw was set firmly, but tears were shimmering in his eyes.
   "Babe? Are you okay?" You asked, stepping up behind him. He flickered his brown eyes towards you and sighed, his shoulders slumping. You touched the small of his back, worry in your eyes. He ran a hand through his vibrant red hair and heaved a sigh.
   "No..I...why do you love me? What do you see in me that..makes you stay with me?" The question threw you off guard. Seeing as it was 3:00A.M, it did take a minute to register. When it did, your eyes softened at the sight of him. He bit his lip, looking away from you. You hugged your arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder.
   "Why do I love you? Hmm, well let's see. Follow me." You said softly, pulling him to the bed. You two sat across from each other, the light turned on now. He stared at you sadly, then back at the ground. You leaned forward, bringing his chin back up. You gave him a smile, making the corners of his lips twitch.
   "Let's see...I love your lips. They are quite kissable and soft." With that, you pecked them softly. You stared into his eyes. His eyes were the color of golden rays. They were the color of a beautiful sunset, all trapped into his irises. You caressed his cheek, still seeing the sadness lingering.
   "I love your eyes. Whenever I look into them, I feel safe. I feel happy and I feel loved. I love your voice. It gives me chills and makes me feel warm. It makes me smile and it makes my sun shine when it rains. Hmm..I love your arms. They wrap around me so tight and they keep me protected. Your smile makes me heart stop and the whole world seems to smile right back. Your laugh makes my day and it so beautiful to hear. Most of all though, there is one thing that takes the top of all of that."
   He looked up at you, a small smile on his face. You intertwined your hands with his, leaning so close that your noses almost touched. He wiped the corners of his eyes, the sadness going away. You smiled widely, winking at him.
   "Most all's your heart, Mark. Your heart is golden and pure, and I'm amazed at how I'm the one who gets to have it. Your my whole life baby, my whole life. Don't every forget that. No matter what you think, you will always be my Markimoo." You whispered, kissing his forehead gently. He tackled you down, hugging you tightly and peppering kisses all over your face. You locked eyes for a moment, sharing a tender kiss.
   "Now you know what I will say if you ask me that again. Baby, there is no need to worry, your mind forever." Mark chuckled and pulled you into his arms greedily. Laying his forehead against yours, you pressed your lips against his once more.
"Sounds perfect to me."

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