Anxiety Attack

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(A/N: Hey lovelies! So, I just thought that a few of you may need this today, just to start your day feeling loved and happy. Hopefully this will make you feel better if your having a bad day or experiencing this. I have experience in these attacks, and I'm sure plenty of you also do too. So enjoy, lovelies. I love you all <3)

You were home alone today. Jack had ran out to get some groceries for dinner tonight. You were smiling and happy all day. Until the afternoon rolled around. Then, your mind began to wonder a bit. You sat on the couch, chewing on your nails. Your stomach started churning, and your head spinning.
What if Jack doesn't want you anymore?, you thought. The words were like a slap to the face. What if he didn't? You shook your head, trying not to let the thoughts in. You breathed deeply, trying to calm yourself. You pulled your knees to your chest, trying to slow your heart rate. Your chest tightened as worry after worry ran through your head. You were perfectly fine a minute ago, why now?
What if everyone thinks your useless? What if you mess this life up? What if you mess this relationship up? What if he thinks your lazy? What if he left you? You couldn't stop the thoughts, so finally you let them win. They continued to get worse and worse as your hands started to tremble. You wanted to move, to get up, but you couldn't budge.
"Please..." You whispered, grabbing the sides of your head. Your stomach churned painfully and your breathing came out in gasps now. You wheezed for air as your whole body started to tremble. You whimpered as tears filled your eyes and streamed down your face. Your vision started blurring as you let out weak sobs.
"J-Jack..." You said breathlessly. His name was garbled and choked from the tears. You felt like you were falling off a cliff. Or falling off a chair, that heart wrenching feeling. You gasped for air as you clutched your chest. Soon, you heard the door opening. You couldn't feel relieved just yet. You whimpered, letting out sobs and tears.
"HELP ME!" You screamed, breaking down into more sobs. Jack came rushing to you, shocked to see your state. You started crying louder, hands shaking and tears soaking up
Your face. He reached for your hand, and you lunged in his arms. The more you cried, the more your breath seemed to be lost. You were gasping for more air, your head feeling light.
"Babe!? (Y/N)!? What's happening!?" Jack shouted, holding you close. You shook your head, wailing. He held your trembling face, unable to say anything. You wheezed again, placing his hand on your chest.
"C-Can't...breathe...c-can't..." You blubbered out, squeezing your eyes shut. Jack's face saddened as he realized what was happening. He pulled you in his lap, rubbing your back and whispering in your ear. The thoughts were loud inside your head, blocking out his words. He held your hands tightly, forcing you to look up at him.
"I need you to breathe with me. Come on, Angel, I know you can." His voice shook with worry as he looked into your teary eyes. Your sobs wracked out of your chest as you nodded to him. He started taking a deep breath, waiting for you to follow. You took a shaky breath, digging your nails slightly into his hand. He felt your tremors, and frowned.
"In..and out. In..and out. Your doing great, Lass. Keep it up." He said quietly, all bubbly and energetic aura to him vanished. He wrapped his arms around your heaving waist, feeling your breath come out in quick huffs. He kissed your cheek, wiping away the tears as best as he could. He kissed your forehead, quieting the loud thoughts for a moment. Your trembling fingers gripped his shirt, tears soaking up your face.
"Baby? I need you to do something for me, okay? I need you to look at me. I need you to hear my voice when I'm talking. Listen to me and only me, okay?" He said, waiting for you to slightly nod. He smiled softly at you, bringing you close. So close, his breath fanned over your face. You breathed in his cologne, feeling your heart start to slow down.
"I need you to take deep breaths with me. In..and out, Lass. I want you to know how much I love you. You mean so much to me, even when you think you don't. You make me smile more than anything in the world. You make me feel like a teenager again, actually. Are you still with me?" He asked, looking down at you. You nodded, staring into his blue eyes. Your hands still trembled, but you could finally take longer breaths. Jack placed kisses on your forehead and cheek.
"Your so beautiful, (Y/N). Whatever you do, your so beautiful. I love being with you, I love kissing you. That's my favorite. Kissing you is like..a breath of fresh air. Cheesy, I know, but still true to me. You make my heart want to explode..but in a good way. Lass, your my Angel. I can't lose my Angel, alright? I'm your little Irishman, and your my little Angel. Your mine baby, I love you." He pressed his lips softly against your quivering ones.
It took a few minutes, but finally you kissed him back. He felt nice, his warm lips against your cold ones. Finally, you could breathe again, you could stop crying, you could stop shaking. One person was able to do that for you. He pulled you close and hugged you, breathing a sigh of relief. He kissed you again, with passion and love. You were finally able to smile through the tears, and hug him tightly.
"You save me..everyday. Your my hero, Jack."
"Well you know the saying..Not all heroes wear capes."
" hero wears headphones." With that, you two leaned in for another sweet kiss.

(I love you all, you should always feel loved. If you don't, then I'm here. Jack is here. Mark is here. Don't be afraid to talk to me, we're all here for you. Deep breaths, short steps.)

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