Jack Fight #1

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   You and Sean has been having arguments all day. All of them were pointless, but you two didn't seem to know when to stop piling it on one another. It had been a long day already because Sean just got back from Indy Pop con that he had gone to for a whole two weeks. Of course you two were glad to see each other again, but Sean had become grumpy from lack of sleep.
   "Then just go to sleep." You stated calmly, trying not to let your anger get the best of you. You heard Jack sign in anger, his head shaking. He wasn't going to sleep anytime soon because he wanted to meet up with his friends for a late night drink. You didn't agree with that, you wanted him to get some rest.
   So all day, you two had been back and forth about why or why not he should go. It was around 8:00P.M, when you thought the fighting was finally over. You had to keep reminding yourself that all your baby needed was some sleep. You decided to ignore him, making your way into the kitchen.
   "Your not going, and that's that." You raised your voice a little, starting to get annoyed at his yelling. He groaned and followed you, a glare stuck on his face. He ran a hand angrily through his green hair and just stared at you. You wanted to throw something at him, a loaf of bread maybe. Tell him to grow up and deal with it. You didn't though, you wanted to be the good guy.
   "This isn't fair! You can't control what the fuck I can and can't do. This is bullshit, I shouldn't have to listen to your ass." He shouted, startling you a little. You turned around, staring him in the eyes and crossing your arms.
   "Your right, you don't have to listen to me. I'm just trying to keep you safe. Your tired and exhausted from this trip, all I wanted was for you to get some damn sleep. No, you decide to act like an asshole just because you can't hang out with your buddies tonight!? GROW UP!" You shout, clenching your fists. Jack took a deep breath, shaking his head slowly and turning around.
   "I don't have to listen to your dumbass. Fuck you, and fuck what you say. I can whatever the hell I please, your not my mother. I don't have to listen to you. So do me a favor, and fuck off." He said these words slowly and carefully, each one dripping with hurtful venom. You looked at the bags underneath his eyes and his tired face.
   You still knew it was because he was just tired, but the words still hurt you. He didn't waste time and left through the front door, walking to his friends. You listened to his footsteps slowly become quieter and quiet until you were met with silence. The harshness in his voice lingered in your ears and made your heart sting.
   You quickly wiped away the tears that were coming down your face, and sighed. All you wanted to do was help, and this is what you get? You started to blame yourself as the night went on, and hours passed without your Irishman walking through the door. The more time that ticked by you, the more you began to hate yourself for making him walk out.
Now all you were able to do was wait.

(A/N: HELLO EVERYBODY. Since I made a Reader and Mark fight, I decided to do a Reader and Jack one as well! Part two is coming up. Enjoy you guys!

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